Home World News Lunar eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022: its effects on the signs

Lunar eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022: its effects on the signs

Lunar eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022: its effects on the signs

The November 8, 2022 at 8:02 in Argentina; 6.02 in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador; 12:02 in Spain; 5.02 in Mexico; and at 7:02 for New York and Miami, there is a total blood moon eclipse in the 16th degree of Taurus.

The moon is in yours a sign of exaltation and it will bring abundance in its manifestations.

The meaning of a lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually scores completions.

And it also indicates situations in which we are forced to control our past (Moon) in the light of current experience and to which we can relate confusion and particularly auspicious moments for hiding, hiding, encouraging or expanding the “shadows” of the emotional manifestation.

The eclipse are the most feared celestial phenomena. Many cultures associated with eclipses myths all types. The ancient Chinese believed that a dragon devoured the sun and sent their soldiers to shoot fiery arrows so that the light would not go out.

An eclipse, eclipse, darkens and produces the temporary disappearance of the eclipsed luminary.

From an astronomical perspective in lunar eclipses, it is the Land which casts its shadow on the moon.

A lunar eclipse it is always one full moon and generally vote culminating situations.

However, during the lunar eclipses Our emotions and feelings can overflow to the point of being clearly perceived by others, disturbing moments may occur, disorder, bewilderment or confusiona tinged feeling of nostalgia or pessimism for the things in life that it feels like leaving behind, and what it seems to be, really isn’t.

We consider it astrologically eclipses hit a certain point and its opposite. And, in the event that said eclipse is affected by negative aspects, we will also consider them points sensitized by the celestial phenomenon.

Lunar eclipse of November 2022 in the sign of Taurus

East lunar eclipse affects the Taurus / Scorpio axisbasically to those who have sensitive points in the middle of the second decan, but since the eclipse is configured with aspects of Saturn and Uranus it will also affect the remaining fixed signs: Leo Y Acquarium.

the sign of Bull it’s a Fixed earth signdirected by Venus is related to economyagriculture, livestock farming, the exploitation of real estate and, at the same time, has an analogy with what is associated with art.

All of these problems can be mobilized by the eclipse. Taurus rules the throat and the vocal cords. A tip: take care of that area of ​​the body.

Lunar eclipse: the influence of Uranus and Saturn

In this particular case, the The full moon is conjunct Uranus, the planet of the unexpected and the surprising. It is an energy that mobilizes the changesespecially the fast and unexpected ones, therefore also with the need for freedom, with insubordination, with what unconventional, radical and rebellious.

Uranus is a great “wake up call” and it is associated with surprises, flashes of intuition, the unexpected collapse of structures; it is an accelerator of events and thoughts, it gives intellectual brilliance, cultural and technological innovation, with inventiveness and originality.

It has to do with what is different, irregular, their behavior is abrupt, nervous, spasmodic or even compulsive. When it touches an area of ​​the birth chart, the ideas of independence and freedom rise, it is the planet of new ideasthe new customs Y lifestyles.

The first aspect of moon once it separates from Uranus it is the square to saturnmoving light from one planet to another, therefore, this eclipse will activate it aspect of tension which has been very present throughout the year.

They are two antagonistic planets, even if they rule the same sign. Saturn is the expression of stabilityconservatism, structure, tradition, traditional, restrictive, what costs effort, what is in short supply, obstacles, what structures, organizes, measures or controls.

Its influence is very strong on yours domicile of the aquariumunlike Uranus, the separatist planet.

This can be thought of as problems with technologyelectricity, airplanes and any other associated matters economy and technology, old methods versus current onesold behaviors versus new methodologies and it can happen in all areas.

How is a eclipsewe will also associate it with both climatic and telluric phenomena and with accidents involving a large number of people.

It will be tendency to act impulsively and unexpectedlyto sudden mood swings, so in those days you should pay attention to the unexpected reactions as there may be moments of restlessness and restlessness, emotional exhaustion.

What is most characteristic of this stage is a feeling of confusioncolored with desire and melancholy in stages that one feels to leave behind, but with a load of rebellion or impatience.

It is important to consider this eclipses are not necessarily negative. Focused issues are emphasized (they can improve or worsen) and their effects are not always immediate, they can manifest themselves in a period up to six months.

Lunar eclipse of November 8, 2022: its effects on every zodiac sign

The eclipse it can also occur in conjunction with a home planet forcing, in the same way, to re-evaluate the issues related to that planet.

When an eclipse occurs in conjunction with the birth moonwe can remember things in our history that we tend to give to back to the pastlooking for facts or people that we believe we can reuse or apply in the current situation.

The effects of eclipses are increasingly evident in world astrology, when it affects the natal chart of nations and cities. But on a personal level, we can say that in that moment we will be consuming energy and attention in the area of ​​life related to the house where the eclipse occurs.

The trick is to do more than you need to in the eclipse’s influence time frame. We may need to do more than we would in a normal period due to external changes, but we will have to try avoid starting new and important projects three days before and three days after the eclipse.

That period called “Shadow of the Eclipse” is subject to instability. Anything that starts with an eclipse can be complicated. Try not to take important actions or decide on important issues.

Some of the people who have sensitive spots in the second decan of the Fixed Signs –Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo– will live times of changes, movements or transformationsall these changes and in the face of restrictive circumstances, difficult circumstances will come to the fore as eclipses are “activating” configurations.

The square of Saturn with Uranus will not indicate moments of stability and can generate many alterationsespecially unforeseen, situations can sometimes get out of control.

Uranus tends to spin things 180 degrees and has often been called “the alarm clock”. Even for these natives it can be an opportunity to be realized probably advances in difficult circumstances or they require effort.

Squares are challenges and nothing is achieved without effort. Lots of relaxation meditation, yoga practice, long walks in contact with nature will help.

Saturn from Aquarius structures the second decan of the other air signs –Gemini and Libra– giving them order and safety.

On the other hand, Uranus from Taurus will favor those with sensitive spots in the second decan of the Earth signs –Virgo and Capricorn– giving them changes harmoniously and favorablybringing new things and unexpected structures into your life.

Sagittarius and Aries also receive the organize energy of Saturn from an affine angle, but in a more tenuous way the same happens with Pisces and Cancer receiving the energies of the restless and unexpected Uranus from a slightly akin angle, so their influence will be very subtle.

The influence of Mars

We must not ignore that it is the greatest “ruler” of this eclipse Marsthe planet of action, of the war struggle that is retrograde in the last decan of Gemini and already “outside the limits of declination” therefore extremely “enhanced”.

Mars is therefore stationary at degree 25 it will affect the voltage to those who have sensitive points in the last decan of the Mutable Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces.

This can sync with severe conflicts with other people and risks of accidents. You may even think that the energies are exhaustedLet’s think more before we act.

What is clear is that we can feeling frustrated, angry, resentful and in a bad mood.

Mars is aggressive, at this stage it internalizes and can cause stress and distressAnd at the very least, impatience.

How Mars is associated with activity and physique, it will not be a bad idea to solve things with a good walk, a few sessions in the gym, some physical activity that allows you to release tension.

All the changing signsIf they will be subject to restlessness and worries related to the tension caused by the bad appearance of those sensitive points with Mars, this will lead to inconvenience, many states of stress and anxiety.

things are recommended do not interrupt the activity as a negative aspect of Mars can always indicate a broken energy. They are likely to meet setbacks, difficulties and confrontations.

The effects of the lunar eclipse of November 8, 2022 according to your Ascendant

The evaluation of the effects of the eclipse should also be made according to the Home where it is produced.

If you Upward is in Aries, the eclipsed Moon hits yours Personal finance this will certainly require more order and organization.

If you Upward is in Taurus, the lunar eclipse can affect you personally and temporarily change yours humoryour emotions, you need to pay attention to the impression you make on others.

If you Upward is in Gemini, the lunar eclipse tells you that it is an auspicious time to take care of Health problems, may indicate a certain mental instability. A favorable time for spiritual retreats or meditation.

If you Upward is in Cancer, the eclipsed Moon will affect your 11th house, its effects can be marked by ups and downs in matters related to the friendsit also shows extreme volatility in the projects conceived at this time.

If you Upward is in Leo, the eclipse will affect your 10th house, there may be ups and downs in the prestigeambition must be supported by convincing actions.

If you Upward is in Virgo, the eclipse hits your ninth house, there may be a greater desire travel and to move, but without practical effects. Beliefs may go through a period of questioning.

If you Upward is in Libra, the eclipse hits your 8th house, which could indicate alternating cycles with the money in this period: the desire to earn more, but also some danger of loss in terms of assets.

If you Upward is in Scorpio, the eclipse can affect the area of ​​the company

Source: Clarin


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