Home Business New advancement of the blue dollar: this is a step away from $ 200

New advancement of the blue dollar: this is a step away from $ 200

New advancement of the blue dollar: this is a step away from $ 200

New advancement of the blue dollar: this is a step away from $ 200

The blue dollar is rising.

The blue dollar continues to move forward this Wednesday and ever since $ 199. On this tire one weight increased and so far this week it has increased by four pesos.

The exchange rate gap is at 74%, and although it climbed two points in the final rounds, it remains far from the 110% highest it achieved at the beginning of this year.

The MEP dollar rose 0.7% to $ 192.5 and yields 2.7% compared to its holding price at the beginning of the year. There was also a 0.5% increase in cash with liqui, that is up to $ 192.1an amount 4.9% below the level last January 2.

Despite these changes the exchange rate is maintained in the market, still enjoying the calm left over from the signing of the Monetary Fund agreement. To this were added the monetary policies of raising rates and the good results of the first quarter that enabled the Government to achieve the objectives set in the Monetary Fund agreement without difficulty.

Seasonality also helps. The liquidation of the yield will allow greater inflow of foreign currency and this, in the midst of the exchange trap, should allow the Central Bank to move forward with the accumulation of reserves agreed upon with the Fund.

Lower risk in the country

The risk in the country, the JP Morgan indicator that measures the excess amount of debt in Argentina, remains low at 1,700 basis points. On the wheel it yields 0.1% and reaches at 1685 points.

This happens as bonds combine ups and downs, like Argentine stocks listed on Wall Street. Merval also opened lower, with a fall of 0.1%.

Leading indicators for New York stock markets gained ground Wednesday after noon, but tech stocks fell being pulled down by Netflixwhich lost nearly one-third of its value after reporting missing subscribers for the first time in more than a decade and predicting a bleak future.

The S&P 500 Index was up 0.20%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average of select companies was up 0.88%. The Nasdaq, strong in technology, fell 0.95%.


Source: Clarin


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