Home Entertainment The Squid Game director left clues to resume in the second season

The Squid Game director left clues to resume in the second season

The Squid Game director left clues to resume in the second season

The Squid Game director left clues to resume in the second season

The second season of “The Squid Game” promises new games. Photo: Faiz Zaki / Shutterstock.com

the Korean director Hwang Dong-hyuk he had written and directed four feature films when he sensed that Netflix might be interested in developing his script for the game of squid, which has been collecting dust for over a decade, in one series. What Dong-hyuk didn’t expect is that the series would become the global hit it was.

Since then, the question asked by fans around the world has been: as follows? what will happen in the second season? Continuation that, while it doesn’t have a fixed date, would be on Netflix’s grid in late 2023 or early 2024.

Not much, but in part Hwang Dong-hyuk told in an interview indiewire: “It’s true, here in the first season several tips that should be developed if the story continues, “he said.

"The Squid Game" is Netflix

“The Squid Game” is Netflix’s biggest global hit, with 111 million viewers in the first month of airing.

“I did it for myself and for the audience too,” he adds. “In case there is another season, these things could be outstanding issues. I currently only have an extensive history. I’m structuring the story and the new games and want to crystallize them into more detailed ideas.“.

“There will be more games”

That’s all he can say, says Hwang. As a scoop, he knows little. And in this sense, a few weeks ago, the magazine Squire he could barely dig deep with the showrunner. “There will be more matches, that’s all I can say. Still brainstorming and gathering ideas for season 2. I haven’t even started writing. “

To be clean, then: games yes, but not so bloody like those that put the characters of already known episodes in check. Another admission from Hwang Dong-hyuk.

There are no details on what the challenges will be. What it promises is that the story structure will be roughly the same as what works in the original season.

Squire he also suggested that Hwang thought of rephrasing some of the famous games, such as rope, honeycomb or the terrifying killer doll.

According to the showrunner, his new story will insist on the idea of ​​”is solidarity between humans really possible?”

Taking against most of the South Korean series, the squid game 2 will continue a story that was meant to begin and end without leaving any doubts.

new scenarios

Chae Kyoung-Sunthe art director, explained: “We create settings and places where viewers can think about the hidden intentions of The Squid Game.”

Lee-Jun Jae and Wi Ha-Jun, actors who play Gi hun and Jun ho respectively, they did not hide their fascination for the landscape. The first said they spent their time photographing what they had built and the second called the place “dream”.

The second season of "The game ..." does not have a fixed date, although it is expected by the end of 2023 ol

The second season of “The game …” does not have a fixed date, although it is expected by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024. Photo EFE

the game of squid It is the most popular premiere in Netflix history. As reported by the platform itself, it had 111 million viewers in its first 28 days of airing.

The fiction has surpassed other hits such as Bridgertonwhich until today held the record with 82 million viewers, move of the queen, Stranger things, Tiger King or The robbery of money.


Source: Clarin


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