Home Entertainment Justin Bieber has sent his fans a new message about his health

Justin Bieber has sent his fans a new message about his health

Justin Bieber has sent his fans a new message about his health

Justin Bieber has sent his fans a new message about his health

Suffering from Ramsay Hunt syndrome, Justin Bieber has paralyzed eyelid and mouth.

A week ago, the Canadian singer Justin Bieber He surprised and worried his fans when he revealed that he suffered from paralysis of the muscles of his half face due to a virus. At the same time, she communicated the need to suspend several shows in Toronto and Washington DC, all told through a video on her Instagram account (@justinbieber).

Faced with the concern of his global fans, Justin wanted to reassure his followers. In this case with a new message on your Instagram account.

“I wanted to share a little bit of how I felt. I am improving every day and through all the troubles I have found solace in the one who designed me and knows everything about me. He knows the darker parts of me that no one else can and constantly welcomes me into his loving arms. “

“This prospect has given me peace during this terrible storm I am facing. I know this will happen, but in the meantime Jesus is with me», He concludes, showing himself positive in the face of the health problem from which he suffers and trusting once again in God for his recovery.

the first message

His followers were not only concerned about his health, but also about the continuity of his long-awaited one World Justice Tour, which extends over the five continents. The tour will take him to Argentina (for now …), after almost ten long years of waiting, with new songs and a new and mega show. If there were no more changes, it would be next 10 and 11 September at the Estadio Único de la Plata.

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Source: Clarin


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