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Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Ukraine continues to press to exclude Russia and Belarus from the 2024 Olympics

Ukraine is transferring to its allies the same fervor with which it procured heavy tanks and other weapons a campaign to prevent Russian and...

Jair Bolsonaro promises to stay active in Brazilian politics during an act in Florida

The former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro On Tuesday evening he showed his intention to continue to be involved in his country's politics, but from...

Burn Bags and Tracking Numbers: How the White House Handles Classified Files

WASHINGTON — Last summer, a few hours after the The FBI will reveal why it raided former President Donald Trump's Florida home, looking for...

Iran sentences two youths to ten years in prison for dancing in an Instagram video

The Iranian justice sentenced two bloggers of the social network Instagram, Astiaj Haghighi and Amir Mohammad Ahmadi, to 10 years in prison for appearing...

Rescue and miracle in Australia: they find a tiny lost radioactive capsule

Australian authorities reported this on Wednesday they are healed the tiny radioactive capsule lost by the Rio Tinto mining company in a vast and...

The Congress of Peru does not agree and postpones the debate on the progress of the elections for the third time

The Peruvian Congress postponed Tuesday for the third time the debate and vote on a bill to bring forward the general elections to October...

What you need to know about the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Pope’s first stop in Africa

With immense mineral wealth and fertile lands, a large and young population and a territory the size of Western Europe,...

They left her dead for hours, but just as they were about to go to the funeral home they had a surprise: she was...

On Monday in Almuñécar, Spain, a situation as dramatic as it was particular took place: They left a woman for dead and just before...

The vegetable that helps regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol and lose weight

It is one of vegetables best known, easy to identify by its grooved stems forming a thick petiole with wedge-shaped leaves. However, it...

“Hands off Africa”: the Pope’s harsh speech at the start of a historic tour

After receiving a massive and fervent welcome in the 25 kilometers that separate Kinshasa airport, aboard a popemobile, Pope Francis began his fifth apostolic...

When should kidney stones be operated on?

Kidney stones can be of different sizes and located in different places in the urinary tract. With which, the treatment varies and in...

The secrets of Snowlandia, the largest snow labyrinth in the world

Very few know that in Poland it is the largest snow maze in the world. Let alone, perhaps, that entertainment will be open...


Air Fryers with Infrared Cooking and Remote Functions: 5 Innovative Options for Smart Homes

The kitchen has stopped being a traditional place to...

Pregnant with her first child, Lorena Maria has fun training boxing for the first time

Pregnant with her first child, Lorena Maria has fun...

Maguila agreed to donate his brain for studies after his death

Maguila agreed to donate his brain for studies after...

Maguila, Brazilian boxing icon, dies aged 66

Maguila, Brazilian boxing icon, dies aged 66 Source:...