Home Automobiles One by one, all the taxis in the City with baby seats and how to find them

One by one, all the taxis in the City with baby seats and how to find them

One by one, all the taxis in the City with baby seats and how to find them

The first 100 Buenos Aires taxis to have an SRI child restraint system.

Nearly three out of ten children under the age of 10 safely rotate in a car, with a corresponding child restraint system as prescribed by law. And only 15 percent travel correctly in child seats, others are exposed to consequences due to placement errors. The data belong to the Observatory of the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV).

It is a fact that, very slowly, is beginning to change, and until now has not been thought of in the services of taxis and remittances. The statistics are more than eloquent: the proper use of child seats reduces by up to 70% the risk of fatal consequences in the event of a road accident.

Today, ANSV and the Union of Taxi Drivers of the City of Buenos Aires have signed an agreement so that 100 units have child seats. In addition to the delivery of equipment, drivers will receive training on child safety on the road and the proper use and installation of child seats.

For the first time there are taxis with an SRI child restraint system.

For the first time there are taxis with an SRI child restraint system.

How to use taxi service with child seats

So that parents of children under the age of 10 can ride in a well -equipped taxi and travel more safely, ANSV announced a list with the names, surnames, DNI and telephone numbers of all taxi drivers which included child seats in their vehicle in the Autonomous City area of ​​Buenos Aires.

So far, the registry of this service has 93 units. City taxi users who wish to use it should go to the official website of ANSV (www.argentina.gob.ar/seguridadvial) and find the list of drivers with their respective units available to contact directly theirs.

The list available on the ANSV page is as follows:

  • Albeiro Hugo Marcelo – DNI: 14 902 707 – Phone: 11 5939 7870.
  • Andreani Fabián Leonardo – DNI: 18 399 295 – Phone: 11 3672 2256.
  • Aquino Andrés – DNI: 22 235 230 – Phone: 11 5615 1971.
  • Arias Angel Miguel – DNI: 13 478 828 – Phone: 115948 2204.
  • Arias Germán – DNI: 8 373 501 – Phone: 11 6620 8467.
  • Arias Raúl – DNI: 17 824 737 – Phone: 11 5181 3384.
  • Barrios Néstor – DNI: 18 563 755 – Phone: 11 6987 9706.
  • Bencivenga Andrés – DNI: 26 229 036 – Phone: 11 5869 3912.
  • Benedetti José Luis – DNI: 18 122 640. Telephone: 11 6335 2882.
  • Bernardi José Juan – DNI: 14 563 099 – Phone: 11 5345 9155.
  • Britos Salustiano – DNI: 11 007 242 – Phone: 11 6502 6098.
  • Caballeri Eduardo – DNI: 21 729 718 – Phone: 11 6431 4706.
  • Camarata Cristian – DNI: 23 670 369 – Phone: 11 6500 1994.
  • Casella Mariano – DNI: 32 976 015 – Phone: 11 3647 5466.
  • Castellani Héctor Raúl – DNI: 12 000 636 – Phone: 11 4438 0614.
  • Spain Jerónimo -DNI: 27 068 217 -Phone: 11 6821 7217.
  • Castillo Héctor – DNI: 21 915 274 – Phone: 11 2347 3737.
  • César Miguel – DNI: 20 323 745 – Phone: 11 3918 9764.
  • Ciccio Héctor – DNI: 10 923 151 – Phone: 11 5003 8557.
  • Colotto Carlos Antonio – DNI: 17 414 876 – Phone: 11 6682 9328.
  • Coudron Roberto – DNI: 8 416 163 – Phone: 11 3056 3377.
  • Cuenca Adrián – DNI: 30 082 541 – Telephone: 11 6567 2006.
  • Da Silva González Edgardo Daniel – DNI: 92.672.617 – Phone: 11 5476 0776.
  • De Faveri Christian – DNI: 22 042 860 – Phone: 11 6181 2555.
  • De Luca Gerardo – DNI: 11 632 145 – Phone: 11 6724 7209.
  • Denami Federico Santos – DNI: 8 557 601 – Phone: 11 4404 1010.
  • Díaz Héctor – DNI: 16 915 760 – Phone: 11 4089 2322.
  • Díaz Hernán Gustavo – DNI: 21 819 617 – Phone: 116826 9990.
  • Díaz Juan Domingo – DNI: 14 432 691 – Phone: 11 2155 9949.
  • Domingo Herrera – DNI: 17 245 006 – Phone: 11 2500 1293.
  • Domínguez Héctor – DNI: 10 526 072 – Phone: 11 5928 8765.
  • Dziad Marcela – DNI: 18 670 997 – Phone: 11 3017 2867.
  • Escudero Maximiliano – DNI: 28 799 188 – Phone: 11 3653 9629.
  • Estévez Fernando – DNI: 21 551 026 – Phone: 11 5260 0068.
  • Flores Cristian – DNI: 24 587 680 – Phone: 11 5842 6669.
  • Flores Gustavo – DNI: 32 378 832 – Phone: 11 6862 2502.
  • Flores Hernán Gabriel – DNI: 26 166 538 – Phone: 11 5862 5558.
  • Frank Castillo – DNI: 94 069 360 – Phone: 112246 8464.
  • Gaetan Ranulfo Pedro – DNI: 14 246 680 – Phone: 11 5017 2754.
  • Gallo Néstor – DNI: 8 503 199 – Phone: 11 6295 2647.
  • Ginesta Osvaldo Raúl – DNI: 8 400 376 – Phone: 11 6119 9486.
  • Gómez Sergio Alejandro – DNI: 18 484 591 – Phone: 11 6934 8709.
  • González Felipe – DNI: 17 330 631 – Phone: 11 3052 8460.
  • González Jesús – DNI: 17 148 588 – Phone: 11 3367 3718.
  • Idelmindo Dos Santos – DNI: 13 381 962 – Phone: 11 6551 5805.
  • Inquenami Ángel – DNI: 14 033 558 – Phone: 11 41732727.
  • Iona Miguel – DNI: 17 896 778 – Phone: 11 5135 2304.
  • Jordan Carlos – DNI: 11 755 337 – Phone: 11 5506 1348.
  • Jury Juan – DNI: 7 375 777 – Phone: 11 6306 9427.
  • Kuthnik Christian – DNI: 22 591 877 – Phone: 11 6175 9646.
  • La Canna Jesús Oscar – DNI: 22 517 949 – Phone: 11 4169 4431.
  • Leonel Di Benedetto – DNI: 23 553 750 – Phone: 11 4938 5005.
  • Lizarraga Bernardo – DNI: 8 064 725 – Phone: 11 6897 5459.
  • López Alejandro – DNI: 22 470 739 – Phone: 11 6751 6401.
  • Luna Raúl – DNI: 23 521 703 – Phone: 11 5058 1705.
  • Marcelo Viviani – DNI: 8 557 151 – Phone: 11 6576 9909.
  • Martín Ricardo Alfonso – DNI: 8 586 726 – Phone: 11 5229 6601.
  • Martínez José Humberto – DNI: 12 791 878 – Phone: 11 6321 8212.
  • Meza Eugenio Alberto -DNI: 92 322 325 – Phone: 11 4029 7175.
  • Nanni Atilio – DNI: 10 121 111 – Phone: 11 5523 0722.
  • Napoli Jorge – DNI: 16 243 643 – Phone: 11 6652 0614.
  • Niño De Guzmán – DNI: 16 763 444 – Phone: 11 5498 5453.
  • Sana Gustavo – DNI: 12 945 666 – Phone: 11 6986 6328.
  • Oleszkiewcz Esteban – DNI: 4 637 435 – Phone: 11 5324 1932.
  • Otero Oscar – DNI: 17 356 528 – Phone: 11 2222 2258.
  • Ottero Carlos – DNI: 18 435 938 – Phone: 11 3323 6543.
  • Ovidio Naval – DNI: 11 175 372 – Phone: 11 5755 0748.
  • Pigoli Rubén – DNI: 13 072 814 – Phone: 11 5040 7815.
  • Podesta Oscar – DNI: 8 533 223 – Phone: 11 6001 9642.
  • Portillo Pedro – DNI: 16 936 929 – Phone: 11 2366 0326.
  • Ramundo Juan – DNI: 21 440 946 – Phone: 11 2319 8374.
  • Rappa Dante – DNI: 4 981 065 – Phone: 11 6093 9661.
  • Ríos Jorge Andrés – DNI: 92 476 523 – Phone: 11 5504 5794.
  • Rodríguez Adrián – DNI: 17 039 247 – Phone: 11 3572 5622.
  • Rojas Juan – DNI: 10 129 659 – Phone: 11 4559 4044.
  • Rudy Hoffman – DNI: 14 281 326 – Phone: 11 4939 2777.
  • Ruiz Carlos Alberto – DNI: 22 789 939 – Phone: 11 5603 9248.
  • Ruiz Gabriel Leonardo – DNI: 23 834 005 – Phone: 11 6286 2151.
  • Sánchez Alfañar Walter – DNI: 16 286 013 – Phone: 11 6044 8191.
  • Sartirana José – DNI: 16 215 471 – Phone: 11 4413 2491.
  • Schemes Alejandro Sergio – DNI: 18 576 275 – Phone: 11 7146 8653.
  • Siebert Claudia – DNI: 16 019 016 – Phone: 11 5475 2689.
  • Sosa Ricardo – DNI: 4 389 546 – Phone: 11 5692 0464.
  • Spada Omar – DNI: 13 433 010 – Phone: 11 6214 6076.
  • Toledo Paulo María de Luján – DNI: 11 594 508 – Phone: 11 3261 0534.
  • Urueña Eduardo – DNI: 31 410 833 – Phone: 11 4197 2269.
  • Verón José Ramón – DNI: 13 266 120 – Phone: 11 3674 7432.
  • Versaci Domingo – DNI: 16 472 172 – Phone: 11 5605 0368.
  • Vigo Fabio Oscar – DNI: 27 419 203 – Phone: 11 3060 9776.
  • Villegas Nora – DNI: 12 553 603 – Phone: 11 6053 4056.
  • Villeta Miguel – DNI: 7 776 253 – Phone: 11 6189 4129.
  • Walter Julián Grittini – DNI: 12472453 – Phone: 11 6036 1168.
  • Washington González – DNI: 91 125 833 – Phone: 11 5570 5480.

what the law says

In 2018, the new regulations of National Traffic Law 24,449 established an amendment to article 40, which states that throughout the Argentine Republic “those under ten (10) years of age must travel subject to the back seat, which with the Child Restraint System.approved for this purpose, in relation to its weight and size.

This change replaced and updated several articles of the said law with the aim of resolving “regulatory gaps” since the last regulation since 1995. Child Control System (SRI) is the technical name by which the so -called child safety seats are known.

There are different models of car seats for babies and children that suit their size and physical condition, so it is very important to choose the right model and place it correctly in the car.

Child seats Group 0: for infants from 0 to 9 months approximately, with a maximum weight of 10 kilograms. These seats are rear facing.

Child seats Groups 0 and 0+: for babies up to 13 kilos. They are placed in the direction facing the rear and the rear seat.

Child seats in group I: for men from 9 to 18 kilos. The child is attached to the seat by a harness, and it to the vehicle, allowing it to be positioned in both directions of travel.

Group II child seat: for men from 15 to 25 kilos. The smallest must travel in their seats and the largest can use a car seat belt, but must sit in a booster seat.

Group III Child Seats: for babies from 22 to 36 kilos. The booster seat puts the child in position so they can use the vehicle’s 3-point belt in complete safety.

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