There is something that beats inflation: the money Kicillof receives

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Axel Kicillof has never lacked or will miss the money of the national government, neither in the electoral years, nor in those that are not and, as long as possible, so it will always be in quantities unattainable for any of their peers. Another thing is how the money is spent and crucial is that the inhabitants of Buenos Aires clearly and concretely perceive the improvement and finally turn it into votes.

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During the presidential elections of 2023, as reported by Clarín, the Province will receive $ 200,000 million from the Fiscal Strengthening Fund, an account fueled by tax sharing that Kirchnerismo took from the Autonomous City in September 2020. That is, in full conflict with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta for the transfer of the police.

But even if it seems like a lot, and it certainly is, that it is only part of the mountain of money that the Casa Rosada manages off balance sheet National with the well-known method of underestimating the calculation of income and then managing the surplus. Predictably, the specialists tell this system about discretionary transfers and sing, Kicillof always hits the jackpot.

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A first sample of the move already appears, in figures for 2022, and it looks like an attempt to start making up lost positions in the decisive territory of Buenos Aires. this is there where Cristina Kirchner concentrates her electoral capital, where he urgently needs to come out in the most polite way possible and where in the end much of the political destiny of the Frente de Todos is resolved.

Well, from that world, the numbers of a report by the specialized consultancy firm Aerarium tell us, in fact, that between January and July Buenos Aires received 152,152 million dollars in the form of discretionary transfers, 100% more than in the same seven months of the last year or 30 points above inflation. Out of a $ 352.546 million pie, the slice gives a remarkable 43%.

Without any care for forms, discrimination, politics or otherwise, it is evident when the table is completed and the result indicates it 23 provinces, including CABA, must share the remaining 57%, that is, just over half. Which is called, without hesitation, making the state its own instrument.

In order to understand even better what we are talking about, Santa Fe, the first of the lot of 23, received 20.946 million dollars or 6%; 5.6% in the Autonomous City and 4.3% in Cordoba. At the bottom of the chart, Chubut was $ 1,937 million or 0.5%.

An expression of the same says that of the discretionary package earmarked for health and hospital subsidies, Buenos Aires received 42% and no less than 70% in the distribution of social plans and food assistance. An even more powerful case: the funds for teacher salaries Kicillof obtained were five times that of Omar Perotti, the Peronist who rules Santa Fe in this rare period of Peronist Christianity.

It is clear, once again, that the raw data explains things better than a few stories and, above all, the gory ones that pretend to pass a cat for a hare. Returning to the hard cash champion, a conclusion emerges that is in sight: at the pace at which silver is running, the $ 152,152 million from January to July will be around $ 260,000 million at the end of December 2022.

Furthermore, it costs almost nothing to state that, once the line leading to the elections has been entered, the 200,000 million expected for the whole of 2023 will be lower and a few billion will go to the provincial treasury.

It is worth clarifying, for all intents and purposes, that the distribution of resources has no relation to the number of inhabitants of each province not with your needs. And also specify that over 85% of the funds represented up to now went to finance current expenses or, if you prefer, to support the payment of state salaries which in Buenos Aires consume about 50% of the budget.

There is in this story an iron slogan that Néstor Kirchner has accumulated and used in Santa Cruz and then deployed without respite in Buenos Aires or, rather, without giving any respite to his men at the Ministry of Finance. Visibly adapted to his ambitions, the motto says it silver is synonymous with power and, of course, the more silver you can accumulate, the more power you accumulate.

But the key is not only anchored in the slogan, but also in how it is applied and in which cases it should be applied, that is, in the method. Kirchner’s absolutely trusted officials, accustomed to carrying out every order to the letter, say it for him the formula was equal to a system of rewards and punishments and against fixed guarantees. “He did it in an obsessive, sometimes ruthless way,” said one of them.

Also from the manual K of the transfers of fingers and from the times of Governor Daniel Scioli comes an application that is replicated, today, in Buenos Aires and in other provinces considered strong. Consists of that the funds go directly to the mayors, without going through the offices of the governors or, therefore, without the possibility of being mediated by the governors.

The method is valid for Kicillof and the rest. And beyond possible suspicions, secrets that are not at all possible and suspicious in a chain, it aims to compromise and bargain with those who actually operate on the battlefield, before and during the elections.

Between January and July, almost 50,000 million dollars were mobilized in that space, which exceeds the January-July 2021 package by 61%. No surprise here too: the mayors of Buenos Aires were the big winners, with 53% of the cake, against 9% of the Cordovans and 7% of the municipalities of Entre Ríos, their closest competitors.

This time 94% of the money, that is to say all the money, was allocated to public works, starting with those of the Hace Argentina Plan, aimed at creating jobs in the cities and suburbs. The classic ones of the National Roads follow and, instead, investments in housing or in so-called housing solutions are scarce.

With resources growing at the rate of inflation and even exploiting inflation, it is evident that at least on this point the slogan of protect Buenos Aires from the scythes of adaptation. It is understood, to protect the political profits that can be denounced by what It’s too small to tell him a silver plan.

So far, everything tailored to the needs of Christianity, including, as it is, Axel Kicillof. Everything but one detail called social vulnerability at increasingly dangerous and unsustainable and, moreover, critical levels in a government that is presumed to be national and popular.

The rebound in economic activity is worth little or nothing when INDEC counts and emphasizes it in the outskirts of Buenos Aires there are 12.7 million poor, of which one and a half million are destitute, that is, people who live on the edge of the system.

Put as a percentage, poverty in Buenos Aires reaches a tremendous 42%, which is 5.5 percentage points higher than the already considerable 36.5% which marks the national average. Worse still: except Concordia, that of the GBA is the highest record among the 32 agglomerations published by the official statistical institute.

As if it were possible to ignore art and a lot, Cristina Kirchner has just asked Sergio Massa “a more precise and effective intervention in the food sector and, at the same time, design a tool that strengthens food security in terms of poverty”.

A couple of numbers are enough to put the lawful association that Cristina has made into the box where it really ends up. Since January 2019, the cost of food measured by INDEC has increased by 241%, almost as much as 240% of the basket that defines the poverty line, even if it is less than 264% of meat.

If not warned, this happens and will continue to happen in a government where the real boss is Cristina Kirchner herself who protests.

Source: Clarin

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