Dalma Maradona’s hard story about the health problem he had after his second birth

Dalma Maradona’s hard story about the health problem he had after his second birth

Last July 24th Dalma Maradona (35) announced the birth of Azul, her second daughter, the result of the relationship with her husband Andrés Caldarelli.

In the last hours, the eldest daughter of Diego Maradona has submitted to the questions of her followers on Instagram and has answered all the perplexities that users have sent her. That was then surprised by a strong story he made through one of his stories when it comes to her motherhood.

“How is motherhood for two?” was the question of one of his followers. To which the actress, who has her two-month-old baby Azul, and her 3-year-old little Roma, was honest: “It would be unfair to say it’s hard with all the comforts and facilities I have!”

And then he recounted the drama he experienced after the second birth: “But as for what happens to one, the second caesarean section left me sick, very anemic, and the recovery from anemia was a disaster. It’s a slow process with a 3-year-old girl demanding a lot and a baby drinking from the breast on demand. I lost 18 pounds and had no strength“.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without my love team 24/7; my husband and my mother, Claudia Villafañe ”, she said, thanking the unconditional support of her closest relatives.

In early August, days after giving birth to Azul, her second daughter, Dalma admitted that she had a health problem that had complicated her at the time: “They discovered a very serious anemia shortly before mine. resignation and they had to give me a blood transfusion. I didn’t want to know anything about staying because Roma was waiting for me at home, but obviously it wasn’t optional because I realized that I couldn’t get up from a chair alone. “

Meanwhile, his followers continued to ask him how he is going through this new phase, together with his two little ones “How is the relationship between Rome and Azul?”, They asked him. “Very well. Blue couldn’t be better. And Rome has moments of her excessive love for her little sister and moments when she asks when we will return her …”, he replied, laughing.

When asked by another follower about how many children she wanted to have, Dalma was determined and answered with a giant “2”. And she added a smiling emoji to the image, implying that she would have already decided with her partner not to have any more children.

But another user insisted: wouldn’t you like a boy? “Without hesitation, the daughter of the football star who passed away in November 2020, condemned: “No, I don’t want to have more sons, daughters, etc.”

Dalma Maradona’s announcement of the birth of Azul, his second daughter

“What happiness, little daughter! Welcome Blue to this world! You don’t understand how much we would have liked to know you! Thanks for all the good wishes ”, wrote Dalma Maradona, last July.

The daughter of Claudia Villafañe and Diego Armando Maradona accompanied her message with the image of the baby’s hand next to hers.

In the dialogue with his followers, Dalma said that during the pregnancy he had the feeling of expecting a boy, but then they confirmed that it would be a girl: “We thought it was a boy because the first months I felt terrible (with Roma I was perfect ) and this was the sentence: ‘Too bad we have the chosen girl’s name and it’s masculine (clearly we didn’t have a masculine name)’.

Then, when asked if she and her husband would go looking for a baby to call him “Yellow”, Gianinna Maradona’s sister humorously remarked: “I’ll use this funny question to make sure she doesn’t ask me if we’re going to look for it. man as if it were something obligatory! For us it is not!

In dialogue with intruders (America, Monday to Friday at 1:30 pm), Dalma had hinted that the decision to have another child would be very difficult and stressed his joy in enjoying Azul’s arrival: “She is a much sought-after daughter, like Rome. “

“What happened to me is we said ‘well, this year we look calm, let’s see what happens’ and I got pregnant to the touch, it was very quick, but happy, it’s always a decision made,” said the actress. , who passes a three-month leave and hopes to return soon A perfect day (radio meter).

Source: Clarin


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