Home Business Sergio Massa goes to Mendoza with funds to mitigate the damage caused by frost in five provinces

Sergio Massa goes to Mendoza with funds to mitigate the damage caused by frost in five provinces

Sergio Massa goes to Mendoza with funds to mitigate the damage caused by frost in five provinces

Sergio Massa will travel to Mendoza this Monday at noon to grant production subsidiestour the areas damaged by the frost and support the leaders of Peronism, the main opposition party in the province governed by radical Rodolfo Suarez.

The visit of the Minister of Economy to Cuyo responds, first of all, to the production catastrophe that the Andean provinces and a large part of the country have just suffered, with late frosts in the harvests, on 30 and 31 October, which affected an average of 50% of the harvest and other fruit trees.

The super-minister’s measures will go to five affected provinces: Mendoza, San Juan, Río Negro, Neuquén and Catamarca, among others that could join the announcement.

On Twitter, Massa anticipated the announcement he will make at noon at the INTA headquarters, Luján de Cuyo. “We will ask that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) open the disbursement process for climate emergenciesto make available as much resources as possible in order to maintain and produce our regional economies, ”he said.

And the minister confirmed a summons to “all the production ministers of the provinces and the economic actors concerned, to implement a series of fiscal and credit measures to protect the sector”.

The request to the IDB is estimated to be around $ 40 million. Additionally, Massa is expected to announce a line similar to REPRO, which covers up to half of each late frosts salary. The duration of the application would be twelve months, individually and fixed to the workers hired by the beneficiary companies.

In Mendoza there are about 20,000 hectaresbetween vineyards and other fruit trees (walnuts, cherries, plums and pears), which reached 100% in certain areas, it suffered from frost and is a production that is lost for the 2023 harvest.

The aid that will come from the Nation was managed by the Kirchnerista Anabel Fernández Sagasti and the official from Mendoza who is part of the super-minister’s team, Gabriela Lizana, director of the BICE Trust, member of the Renovating Front and former leader of the vineyard.

Massa plans to meet the president of the National Viticulture Institute, Martín Hinojosa (a possible candidate for governor of Kirchnerism), and together they visit some plantations affected by the frost. The main wine areas were affected, in some estates the loss affects 100% of the 2023 grape production.

Last week the Mendoza government declared an agricultural emergency with subsidized loans, tax exemption for producers who have suffered a loss of 10 =% in their plantations and a subsidy of 72 thousand pesos per hectare damaged.

Suarez asked for funds from the nation to support producers. And Massa’s visit, despite being handled by Kirchnerism, will give relief to the radical government which claims to be involved in the distribution of national funds and does not have the resources to respond to the claims of the producers.


Source: Clarin


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