Home Business Changes in the world of work: 83% have adopted a hybrid form of work

Changes in the world of work: 83% have adopted a hybrid form of work

Changes in the world of work: 83% have adopted a hybrid form of work

After the pandemic, eThe home office has been incorporated into workforce habits both in Argentina and in the countries of the rest of the region. In the local market, 83% of employees maintain a hybrid way of working, even higher than the country average, according to a study conducted by WeWork, a company dedicated to managing flexible workspaces, together with supplier recruitment Michael Page.

The work was carried out on the basis of the testimonies of 8,000 people in six Latin American countries to understand the new habits, priorities and needs of professionals.

In the region, 70% of people surveyed said they do their day-to-day work in a hybrid way. Particularly in Argentina 14% work remotely and only 4% continue to go to the office every day in person.

What are the advantages of this new scheme according to the interviewees? For 87%, the travel time reduction It is the main advantage of the hybrid working model. For 51%, they think this period has a positive impact on increased productivity, mental health and creative processes.

However, there are factors like relationships that are generated within the office environment that cannot be replaced from computers and team calls. Of the respondents, 57% believe that forming friendly or strategic relationships is what they miss most about face-to-face.

These numbers increase when respondents who currently work 100% remotely are analysed, taking into account that 81% believe that establishing trust, collaboration and empathy between teams is the main challenge of remote work.

“We know that before the pandemic this ‘flexible’ dynamic to work was not widely accepted and then it has become what all companies want and need,” says Rocío Robledo, director of WeWork Argentina. Even if, according to the directive, “changes take time”.

As for processing the hybrid work in the different generationsthe report found that between The baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1967), 29% work remotely and another similar percentage in a hybrid model. 75% of them say they have it more quality time with your family and friends, which allows them a better balance between their personal and professional lives.

On the other hand, among the workers of the Generation X (born between 1968 and 1980), 42% work in hybrid mode, while 30% do it remotely; therefore, only 28% work face-to-face. Instead between the millennials (born between 1981 and 1995) 48% work in a hybrid way, 28% work remotely and 24% work in person.

Finally, for those consulted by Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2010): 57% work in a mix: a little at home and a little in the office. Most also appreciate having a better one balance between your personal and professional life.

Undoubtedly, the dizzying changes that organizations have experienced since the pandemic are increasing a new scenario for the future. Another survey by recruiter Bumeran also showed that 62% of Argentine HR specialists believe that “in 10 years the job will be totally different”. And that the main challenge will be for talent to adapt and not be excluded from the world of work.

This implies, inter alia, that workers do not perform their duties in isolation and do not lose the synergy of teamwork; that the precariousness of work does not increase and that spaces for social or recreational meetings are no longer lost. Among the main advantages of working in the future, 48% of HR experts indicated itthat people “can work from anywhere in the world”.


Source: Clarin


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