Home Business Edesur changes hands: the Italian Enel will put all its assets up for sale in Argentina

Edesur changes hands: the Italian Enel will put all its assets up for sale in Argentina

Edesur changes hands: the Italian Enel will put all its assets up for sale in Argentina

Italy’s Enel announced on Tuesday it would sell 21,000 million euros ($22,000 million) of assets to reduce its record level of debtwhich will lead to exit several markets in South America, including Argentina. In the country he owns, among other assets, of the electrical distributor Edesur.

The European group is too power plant owner thermal (gas), such as Costanera, South Dock and the El Chocón hydroelectric plant. Also, it owns the transmission lines MC and TESA (connecting electricity systems between Brazil and northeastern Argentina) e yacylec (brings the energy of Yacyretá).

The other assets that will be put up for sale are those of Peru and Romania. It will now focus on six major markets, from Italy and Spain to the United States, Brazil, Colombia and Chile.

However, it will also divest its business in Ceará (Brazil) to increase the focus of its distribution networks in large cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Enel, owned by Italian statewas made of all these signatures when in 2009 it happened to have the control of the Spanish company Endesa.

Source: Clarin


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