A shelter to protect yourself

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If the fate of politics were played out on television screens, the country would have collapsed when the sentence of Cristina de Kirchner would have been revealed. It was a fantasy that some prime-time cable entertainers who, militants on both sides, depend on Christians may have believed. Your destiny it is linked to the vice president extending its validity over time.

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Nothing happened, the country didn’t stopThe ATE has realized – it doesn’t even do it in normal times, when they have to work – Luis D’Elia hasn’t made the revolution he promised. It stands to reason that Cristina herself and some of her closest acolytes have eased the earlier panic. They know that the Cristina elaborated does not mobilize much. That shot glass crisis in Uruguay and Juncal proves it.

Why did the Christianists go and incite her at the door of her house? Because the call to demonstrate in all the squares of the capital had failed. That’s why they went to Recoleta, that’s why Larreta put up the billboards that inflamed locals and foreigners. Hence the dramatic scenario of the gun to the temple.

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Even the opposition panicked. The CABA government ordered the urgent eviction, on Tuesday morning, the day of the final judgment, of the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, which is located in the heart of Villa 31. The authorities feared that, if it were populated, the employees of the ministry of Sole Acuña could be attacked. It is normal that, to protect their safety, they are transported in vans. The haste in complying with the order led a column of employees to leave in columns on foot around the neighborhood, in a hurry, to avert an attack that never happened, under the perplexed gaze of the peaceful residents of the 31st.

Try to avoid incentives for a division of Peronism

This context explains other records that are important to record concisely. Cristina is expected to drop a candidacy. Her main purpose (rational, by the way) is do not become the incentive for a new division in Peronism. Check out the PJ of Buenos Aires, the largest district and the one that contributes the most votes. But he maintains an always unstable equilibrium with the Peronism of the interior.

The last thing that suits his strength is that the sentence serves some leaders to be tempted to reincarnate in a Massa and divide the Peronist vote. Today that unity is not threatened from within and there is no interest that is a factor of disunity.

The electoral possibilities of the Frente de Todos in Buenos Aires are already threatened from the outside. The signs of consensus in the polls fall in the suburbs, they are there Panic in the mayors that the national administration will drag them once again to defeat, which occurred last year in 13 provinces governed by Peronism.

The list of Peronist-administered provinces returning to toxic electoral legislation – suspension of PASO; law motto, collectors – growing day by day. Like districts decoupling dates from national. It is another proof of the distrust of territorial Peronism, which fears being hooked on the fate of AMBA’s Peronism.

Axel Kicillof tries to keep them close with the flute of Hamelin: he uses the argument that if Peronism loses the national elections, it will also lose the province of Buenos Aires. He tries to get them involved in the fight so that the court will find in favor of the CABA in the cut-off file, which is flying to its destination and falling on their heads at any moment. Worse, it’s not enough of an argument to get close.

A mild and peaceful sentence

To protect unity, Cristina resigned in 2019 in first place in the presidential formula. Anyone who has frequent contact with her understands that her gesture of not burdening Peronism with the discredit of a sentence and an inhibition – not yet confirmed – has made him takes on in defense of its future. It will be more protected by a united Peronism, whether victorious or not in 2023, than alone and isolated.

There is no foray into psychological diagnoses here, but the vehemence of his pronouncement replicates the wit he exhibited when Nestor Kirchner died. Nothing ever goes right for him. Not even with this mild sentence – 6 years without illicit association can be 4 in Cassation, 2 suspended in Court and an acquittal in Costa Rican justice – moreover with Julio de Vido acquitted.

In the same spirit he conveyed the rejection of the testimonial, like a hunger strike that Oscar Parrilli could have proposed to him (he will deny it, he doesn’t want to go down in history as the man worthy of his nickname). .

Cristina manages a Peronist conspiracy inherited from her husband Néstor. Since he assumed that inheritance, they have all been misfortunes, and he has the only consolation of feeling on the list of “outlaws”, like Perón or Menem.

With that spirit and with the fictitious and pretentious condition with which she covers up her actions, the self-perception of a lonely Joan of Arc suits her better. Those who usually listen to her in solitude, and who have been with her since her sentence, such as Juan Grabois and “El Cuervo”, believe that she will keep her word not to run for anything.

He breaks the pools of his opponents who raise bets on when he will change his criteria. It is true that the last thing you do in front of a politician is to believe what he says. But usually he backs up his sayings about him. It will all go away with time.

The plague returns to control the agenda

At the resting place of the World Cupnecessity dictates other reasons for the pauselike the counterattack of the Covid plague, which takes people off the field and sends them to rescue until it passes.

Not only Cristina, who was ruined by the CCK uprising this Monday, where All the PAMI of continental tercerism was waiting for her, the entire population at risk.

It also happened to the judge of the Tribunal Carlos Rosenkrantz and, to tie the hierarchies, to the US ambassador, Marc Stanley. These are personal circumstances that should only be mentioned with caution.

But the court judge has a busy schedule these days, because the courthouse takes center stage. It has to respond in these hours, through its president Horacio Rosatti, to the request of the deputy Álvaro González (PRO) to take the oath as an adviser to the judiciary. He considers Cecilia Moreau’s resolution communicated to the Court to be valid, which believed it to be true and only the day and time of the oath were missing.

As the third member of the court, Juan Carlos Maqueda, was on leave, that oath was postponed. It is what Cecilia took advantage of to cancel her own decision and declare it void. González expects Rosatti to call him. Purists would say that with the resolution of the Court which recognizes him as a councilor, that would be enough, because the oath is a symbolic rite. The deputy also hopes that Judge Rita Ailán (Federal Administrative Litigation 4) will respond to the request for an amparo against the Moreau resolution which canceled the appointments. This request was passed on the day of the Immaculate Conception in the Prosecutor’s Office; They had transferred it to him for his opinion. Things in the palace go slowly (proverb of Bourbon Spain).

two way friends

The pandemic separated Stanley from the meeting of the US Chamber of Commerce in that embassy on Tuesday, a stumbling block that brought together (with Washington’s double commitment) the governing party and the opposition.

With Massa they closed the agreement for the exchange of tax information, one of the key pieces of anti-money laundering, with which he he wants to crown his internship in the ministry. He plays that role with the same resignation with which Hernán Lacunza took the helm of Macri’s Titanic, just days after his 2019 PASO defeat.

In the face of opposition, the Washington government has received Horacio Rodríguez Larreta with all the frills, who goes through the routine of a typical Third World leader: it is an inexcusable tour for anyone who wants to sign up for a political career in the big leagues.

Source: Clarin

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