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Oil Industry Income Tax: A Punishment for Quality Employment

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We find ourselves in a changing scenario where the country is struggling to solve its economic problems. These are difficult times for Argentines and Argentines, with inflation rising to over 90% annually, derived from reasons specific to our economy and others due to the international context. When the world does not accompany, The obstacles that Argentina always encounters are getting stronger.

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As part of a national trade union federation, we know How does rising prices negatively impact workers’ tables? and workers in our country, and how a fragile economy also leads to informal work or an increase in unemployment.

In this sense, we can be satisfied with the employment boost that the oil sector exerts on the macroeconomy in terms of employment. And we can also be enthusiastic about the future in the face of large investment projects for the future.

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However, we must also warn against the complications of the labor tax. This is why we call on all political sectors, both in the government and in the opposition, to stop punishing quality work with income tax. Tankers are the most affected by this tax in the fourth category.

Despite internal hurdles, our workforce numbers speak for themselves. In the case of the oil industry, taken independently, and according to a report by the Center for Production Studies (CEP XXI) earlier this year, it is the sector of the Argentine economy that has the greatest job-generating capacity. for each direct recruitment. The study suggests that approximately there are 65,000 direct formal positions in oil and as a result, there are 4 indirect positions for each of themresulting in a total of 325,000 jobs. And that’s just considering oil.

If we take the oil and gas sectors, nationally and jointly, these directly cover more than 100,000 workers. Additionally, the upward trend in job creation saw 13 months of uninterrupted growth, with more than 3,500 new jobs, at least through mid-year.

As far as job generation from natural gas production is concerned, there would be no reason not to be optimistic. And the two pillars of this drive come from offshore exploration and the connection of the Vaca Muerta fields with the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline. According to a study by the consulting firm Ecolatina, The job creation that will be generated with this type of discovery will be approximately 120,000 jobs between direct, indirect and induced.

To clarify these estimates it is necessary that justice does not further delay the exploratory phases, since it creates a climate of uncertainty and, above all, scares investments. 5 million dollars have already been lost waiting for a definition to carry out the seismic work. In turn, the time to complete these works is reduced in the window of opportunity that presents itself during this summer.

For this, the decision earlier this month by the Federal Court of Appeal of Mar del Plata, which revoked the interim measure that prevented offshore oil exploration in the Northern Argentina Basin (CAN), was crucial. We are not only talking about large projections in terms of employment, but we are also referring to the fact that offshore could increase GDP by 2% and generate exports of 447,076 million dollars, according to Ecolatina.

The other pillar of job creation comes from the pipeline. Recently, the head of the National Secretariat of Energy, Flavia Royón, announced that the government has obtained funding from Brazil for the second section of the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline, which will connect Vaca Muerta with the country’s major consumption centers and -a long term – Could allow export of natural gas to said neighboring country.

Only the construction of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline, which will increase gas production by 30%, will reach a peak of 3,000 people working directly on the project, plus 8,000 indirectly until the end of March 2023 in services, gastronomy, hotels and transport. And as far as offshore is concerned, this sector needs the development of a large supply chain that includes ocean-going vessels, aviation, platform construction and maintenance, diving, engineering, among others.

It is essential to pay particular attention to the hydrocarbon sector, the potential of these jobs is the most solid link to put a stop to the economic crisis, accompanying the potential of the sovereign soil and taking care of the strategic role of the offshore as happened in March of plate.


Source: Clarin

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