Home Business Dollar got hot at the end of the year: blue was up $10 in one day and closed at a high

Dollar got hot at the end of the year: blue was up $10 in one day and closed at a high

Dollar got hot at the end of the year: blue was up $10 in one day and closed at a high

In the midst of renewed FX tension, the blue dollar was once again making another four-wheel hop at the end of the year. US Note added $10 on the way and finished at $356, its highest face value in 2022. Since the middle of the month the currency has warmed up but there has been a peak demand in the last few wheels, one place where dollars are scarce.

On the financial market, after several days in which intervention on the bond market kept prices at bay, they ended up both in Euro deputies dollars, or stock exchange, and in cash with settlement: the former advanced by 2.4% and closed at 335 $.39; while the CCL added 0.8% to be just one notch higher at $337.49.

Aurum Valores analysts commented at the end of the conference: “The pressure on free dollars continued to be strong. Blue since the supply for the tourist dollar has been severely restricted and due to increased demand for the Qatari dollar is operating with significant increases”.

Is that all free quotes are still below the dollar price for international tourism, which closed at $365 this Tuesday. The rise of the blue in the last few days has managed to shorten this distance, but the Qatari dollar, post World, appears as a new north for prices in the foreign exchange market.

Until last week, the blue dollar was the price within the current dollar menu in this stock that has lost the most to inflation this year, projected in the consensus of city economists to be around 100%.

But a combination of factors caused the coin to “wake up” in the market: therefore, from the first working day of this 2022 it already rises by 71.1% if you take into account its start on January 3 at $208. Over the same period, the Euro MP, or stock market, dollar advanced 70% and official 69.4%.

Cash with liquidation now appears a little more backward which, due to the interventions on the bond market and the greater restrictions due to overloaded stocks, has risen by just over 66.2% since January.

In the midst of the informal escalation, the Central Bank was instructed to inform that three days after the closure of the Dollar Soybean Program it was able to purchase $147 million in the wholesale segment.

“The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) today had a positive balance of 147 million dollars on the official foreign exchange market,” explained the monetary authority in an unusual press release at the end of the conference.

“The purchase of foreign exchange is only one of the factors affecting the level of international reserves of the BCRA, but the most important as a signal of accumulation and strengthening of monetary and exchange policy,” said the organization chaired by Miguel Pesce, who detailed that international reserves ended at US$43,651 million.

“Through the export boost program created by Executive Order No. 576, exporters settled $223 million worth today and have amassed $2,655 million since reopening on Nov. 28,” it said.[o el organismo. El viernes finaliza el programa especial para los exportadores de soja. La meta del Gobierno es que se liquidaran, por lo menos, US$ 3.000 millones.

Hasta el viernes, el agro debería liquidar US$ 345 millones, una cifra que luce alcanzable a la luz de los resultados de este martes, pero que se pone en duda a raíz de de la presión en el mercado financiero.

La brecha cambiaria, entre el mayorista y el dolar blue, supero este martes el 101%, su valor mas alto desde mediados de septiembre. Muchos analistas de la City sostienen, que a la luz de un verano “caliente” y con la férrea voluntad del Gobierno de no convalidar una devaluación del dolar oficial, esta podria ampliarse aun mas en el primer trimestre de 2023.

Source: Clarin


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