Home Business Moratorium for pensioners: the Government is betting that the project will be approved in the extraordinary sessions of Congress

Moratorium for pensioners: the Government is betting that the project will be approved in the extraordinary sessions of Congress

Moratorium for pensioners: the Government is betting that the project will be approved in the extraordinary sessions of Congress

The government will include the treatment of the draft moratorium for pensionerswhich was approved by the Senators, in the extraordinary sessions that begin on January 9, as confirmed to the CEO clarion at the Ministry of Economy.

The government party’s wager is that, this time, the opposition will give the quorum and the project can become law because the current moratorium expires on December 31st for women and the new law that It should start on January 1st, which concerns both women and men, has not been dealt with by the Chamber of Deputies.

Consequently, if the project is not approved, 9 out of 10 males close to reaching retirement age (60 for women, 65 for men) will not be able to retire because will not reach the 30 years of required contributions.

Meanwhile, the moratorium law 24.476 is still in effect difficult to access because the periods to be included must be between January 1, 1955 and September 30, 1993 and “inclusion in this moratorium is subject to prior socioeconomic assessment“, according to ANSeS.

In the pension agency, on the other hand, they are considering discounting those in the first days of January They have already asked for a shift to start retirement completion of the years of contributions through the moratorium.

According to official reports from the Congressional Budget Office and ANSeS, without the validity of a moratorium, between 720,000 and 800,000 men and women could not retire in 2023 and 2024 because even if they meet the age requirement (60 for women and 65 for men) they would not meet the 30 years of contributions.

According to the OPC, in the first year there would be “494,242 people, of whom 78.3% were women. For the second year, the enrollments would be approximately 225,409 people”, in total 719,651 people who accumulate many years without contributions for having worked informally or being unemployed, and are in a situation of socio-economic and financial vulnerability.

Meanwhile, ANSES director general of planning, Ignacio Amigorena, had estimated that the interim debt payment plan could “bring around 800,000 people of retirement age into the system over the next two years, of which around 60% are women”.

In the case of 65-year-old men, the only variant without a moratorium would be to access the PUAM (Adult Elderly Benefit) which guarantees 80% of the minimum wage (currently $40,099), regardless of the salary and years actually paid (5, 10 or 25 years) e no entitlement to widow’s pension of the spouse.

Meanwhile, women would have to wait until the age of 65 to also access the PUAM under the same conditions.

How is the moratorium for pensioners

The moratorium with medium sanction of the Senate allows to regularize the missing periods up to the month of December 2008 (included) through the application of a installment payment method which will be deducted directly from the pension credit they obtain. The number of installments can be up to 120according to the conditions established by law.

The installments to be disbursed for the monthly installments to be regularized will be calculated according to the so-called “Pension Debt Payment Unit”, the value of which will be equal to 29% of the minimum taxable base of wages in force on the date of the request for the pension… Currently , 29% equals $4,896. For example, you can pay one or more installments per month, depending on the plan you choose.

But that fee that will be paid will only serve to “serve”. access the pension. It will not affect the credit, which will be calculated on the basis of the contributions actually paid without moratorium.

In other words, who retires with the moratorium will have a “discount” of your pension because you will only receive the years paid and you will also have the discount on the credit quota during the months or years that the moratorium lasts.

For example, for an employed person with an updated average gross wage of the last 120 months of $180,000 (average taxable system wages), the pension and contributions that will be deducted to qualify for the moratorium will depend on how much he contributed.

With 15 years of effective contributions and another 15 years of moratorium, before December 2008, he would retire with a starting salary of $63,430 (35.2% of gross salary) and $9,791 would be deducted in 90 installments or $7,344 in 120 installments. During those 10 years, the pension in hand would be $56,086 equal to 31.1% of the salary.


Source: Clarin


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