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Prepaid: they will refuse substitute declarations that do not contemplate the income of the family nucleus

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Given the lack of clarifications from the Superintendence of Health Services (SSSalud), the prepaid increased bet. And they passed clarion that the companies will reject the affidavits that SSSalud transmits with the individual incomes of affiliates who have contributions from the family group and will apply the 8.21% increase and not the 4.91% increase if the total income exceeds the 6 SMVM (minimum wage, annuity and movement),

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So he said clarionClaudio Belocopitt, president of the Argentine Health Union (UAS), the body that brings together private pharmaceutical companies and owner of Swiss Medical.

The confusion over which income should be declared – whether that of the main affiliate or of the household adhering to the prepaid plan – is no less because the online registration of the deed of notoriety began on January 1st. and many affiliates they have already declared their individual income and not that of the family unit.

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This key issue has not been clarified by the SSSalud despite the fact that resolution no. 2/2023 confirming the advance payment of clarion that “holders” of the prepaid card must “ full from the 1st to the 20th of each month, declaration of income corresponding to the immediately preceding calendar month”, but without specifying whether it is the individual income or the family unit linked to the prepaid plan.

SSSalud sources had said that the income of the franchisee or owner franchisee is taken into account, but this does not appear in any resolution. Prepaid people think they should declare the income of the family group affiliated with the health plan. And what determines that the increase of 4.91% instead of 8.21% is applied is precisely the income that the affiliate must declare.

This measure concerns both workers who draw the compulsory contributions from the obras sociales to a prepaid card and direct affiliates of private medicine.

In the first case, Belocopitt specified that they can calculate the income from the contributions deriving from the prepaid if they are single or multiple family members who have the same coverage.

Thus, for example, it may happen that each member of a couple earns less than 6 minimum wages but the sum of their income exceeds it. In that case, according to Belocopitt, It’s not appropriate to give an affidavit. And if that were the case, they would still apply the 8.21% increase.

The same for voluntary affiliates. Because although the prepaid have no income information, due to the tax returns, the SSN through the AFIP can establish whether or not they exceed the limit of six minimum wages.

As regards the income of Monotributaries, Belocopitt estimated that the income scale of the category of affiliates and the remaining members of the household with the same coverage should be taken as a reference.

Resolution no. 2/2023 clarifies that “the presentation of income statements for months prior to the one envisaged by the upload date will not be accepted, nor will the ceiling be applied retroactively”. In other words, whoever does not carry out the procedure in the month, You will not be able to complete it in the following month(s) or claim compensation for paying more.

The Resolution, on the other hand, detailed the first and second level services that can give rise to the collection of fees in the coverage plans that the Prepaid Medicine Institutions must offer.

Source: Clarin

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