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Prepaid: what procedure must be done before completing the deed of notoriety to pay less

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Looking forward to next Monday, a key meeting between representatives of private pharmaceutical companies and the authorities of the Superintendence of Health Services (SSSalud) to try to Clarify all doubts regarding the process via the web, so much so that in February prepaid cards apply an increase of 4.91% instead of 8.21%.

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Private medicine affiliates must notify the Superintendent of Health Services if they are earning less than six minimum wages ($371,718). There is time to complete the affidavit Until January 20th. Step by step, how to process before the AFIP to pay a minor:

First of all enter the Mi SSSalud Portal requires the possession of a level 3 tax code or higherry add the Mi SSSalud service to the tax code of the interested party.

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Once you join the service, you need to log in directly to Mi SSSalud.

If the interested party has not yet done so associated the Mi SSSalud service to the fiscal keythe AFIP tells how to do it through an instruction. Forward, how is the step by step:

1. Log in to the AFIP website with your CUIL and tax code. The latter must be Level 3 or higher. Clarín Servicios has prepared an instruction to know how to obtain the level 3 fiscal key.

2. Secondly, you need to track in the menu: “Fiscal Key Relationship Administrator” and click on the box.

3. And click the button “Add service”. Once you choose that option, a list will appear.

4. Look for Superintendencia de Salud in the list and click to select the available services. Stselect “My SSSalud”.

5. After selecting My SSSalud, you need to confirm your subscription to the service. Then click CONFIGURATION to switch to another screen which will allow you to see all the permissions you have.

6. Once this procedure has been performed, close the session on the AFIP site and that’s it, the user is already enabled to authenticate when he enters the My SSSalud section.

Upon registration, the web will ask you to authenticate identity with CUIL and Tax Code.

7. Once inside the Mi SSSalud portal, The user can choose the process of interest by clicking on the corresponding option.

Once the option has been chosen, it leads to the form that must be completed (it is an “Affidavit of income”, for which there is time until January 20th.

The first statement will take into account the net profit for November 2022 e must be registered by “the owning user”.

The process must be done every month. This is because the differentiated increase in the value of the quotas set by the Government is monthly and also the variation in the income of the members and the evolution of the minimum living and mobile wage (SMVM) can vary from month to month.

Among other data, the user must fill in the following boxes:

  • “I declare that I have a net income of less than 6 SMVM” and then “I authorize SSSalud to validate the data entered with other organizations”.

The measure concerns voluntary affiliates and those who draw their compulsory contributions through the obras sociales system.

For those receiving more than 6 SMVMs, share value increases by 8.21%according to the change in the Health Cost Index.

In this way the rates will not vary equally for all affiliates, but will have a segmentation.


Source: Clarin

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