Home Business The field questioned Aníbal Fernández’s authority to stop the tractor

The field questioned Aníbal Fernández’s authority to stop the tractor

The field questioned Aníbal Fernández’s authority to stop the tractor

The field questioned Aníbal Fernández’s authority to stop the tractor

Aníbal Fernández lamented about the protest in the countryside: they would do it wherever they put cameras on the television. The same thing always happens. ”

The Minister of National Security, Anibal Fernández, questioned the authorization to enter the City of Buenos Aires using tractorsas planned this Saturday by self-convened agricultural producers.

“Will they enter the Federal Capital with the tractors? Don’t even dream of that”, the official said in an interview with C5N. And he opined that “the field is having its best moment, and that the” unexpected profits reach 1,000 million pesos, as a result of international conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Regarding the mobilization, with the support of more than 200 entities and will travel from the Aeroparque area to downtown Buenos Aires, Fernández launched: “They will do it wherever they put the camera on the television, that always happens the same way ”.

in protest It is claimed for high tax pressure on the agricultural sector, the elimination of withholdings, the reduction of public spending, the shortage of diesel amid the soybean and corn harvests.among other measures taken by the Government.

Soon aftershocks came from the field. ariel bianchi, treasurer of the Argentine Association of Self-Convened Producers (AAPA), came out at the crossroads and questioned Fernández’s authority on the subject. “We all know that Aníbal Fernández was a bully. Security at CABA does not depend on him, but by the minister of the City of Buenos Aires. All he is looking for in these statements is to incite violence and we will show up peacefully with all the people in the city. For our part, this will be an exemplary mobilization. ”

In the same way, Diego Pascual, one of the organizers of #23A, said: “We are working people and we will show up peacefully. We know that the Government responds to the lack of arguments with violence and I believe that the minister speaks to his hard core of Kirchnerism to try to support the story”.

Another of the organizers, Roman Gutierrezexplained that they had been planning the march for over a month and that they have all the necessary circulation permits to carry out the mobilizationwhich will start at 8, at the intersection of national routes 8 and 193, and end at Plaza de Mayo, where they are estimated to arrive at 3:00 pm

Gutiérrez informed Clarín Rural that they were finalizing the details to get to the Capital and put maximum not more than 20 vehicles, between tractors and wagonsbecause, although we want it to be representative of the Argentine countryside, We don’t want people to get angry. “

Another event organizer, Iván Castellaro, explained that this Saturday the field awaits “marched in peace” on a claim he defined as “genuine”.

Regarding the declarations of the Minister of Security, he was frank: “He must work on making people safe., who can’t get out on the street today because they’re killing you for a pair of sneakers. You have to remember that every meal you eat during the day is the effort of an Argentine agricultural producer who, despite the punishment, continues to put his heart into the advancement of the country. ”

And he concluded: “Fernández probably doesn’t like the idea we claim but such mobilization cannot be prevented”.

Source: Clarin


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