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The employee occupation that grows the most is that of invoice workers

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The occupation that is growing the most is that of informal wage earners without the employer making the social security deductions regulations and also among those who contribute on their own in the form of the Monotributo, despite having an employment relationship with their workplace. They are called “invoicers”.

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In the city of Buenos Aires, these wage earners amount to 121,500 people, equal to 10.6% of the total. A year ago there were 93,500 e8.5% of the total. It’s a inter-year increase of 29.7%.

Compared to 2015, therefore with a slightly higher total number of employees, this group of employees increased from 79,500 (6.6%) to 121,500 (10.6%): 52.8% more.

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If to these 121,500 we add the 170,500 wage earners without discount or pension contributions, we have a total of 292,000 wage earners or one in four wage earners who find themselves in precarious working conditions.

These are all official data from the Directorate of Statistics and Censuses of the city of Buenos Aires, which measures the wage earners who contribute to social security on their own. And which mark one of the forms of precariousness and one of the reasons for the growth of the Monotributo to the detriment of private wage earners.

National data also show that, despite falling real wages (-25% since 2017) and labor costs, there is a strong growth of informal workers, with no pension discount, as well as single-tribute taxpayers, above other forms of employment.

For its part, according to the Buenos Aires Directorate “a global calculation of the population employed in the informal sector (in the dependent and self-employed categories) during the third quarter of 2022, fluctuates between 36.8% and 30.1% ”.

Source: Clarin

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