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Tag: billing

Apple earned 13% less between October and December and sees its revenue plummet

Manzana had net benefits of $29.998 million between October and December, 13% less than in the same period of the previous yearand saw its...

The employee occupation that grows the most is that of invoice workers

The occupation that is growing the most is that of informal wage earners without the employer making the social security deductions regulations...

A survey of companies for 2023 shows that they expect to increase their turnover by 7% and their exports by 23%

A survey of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises found that they did growth expectations for next year, both in billing...

Monotax: maximum billing amount of various categories will increase by 29.1%

After the salary increase "floor" of Earnings at $ 280,792 for workers in a dependency relationship, this is the turn for Monotributists. The...

Due to the fuel delay, service stations say they have lost the charge

In the last four years, service stations across the country lost the equivalent of 5.5 months charge. This was indicated by the...