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Cities: Inflation in January reached 7.3% due to the increase in services

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Due to the heavy weight of services in Buenos Aires household spending, the measurement of inflation for January in the city of Buenos Aires was 7.3%. And in 12 months accumulate a 99.4% increaseaccording to CABA’s Directorate of Statistics and Censuses.

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On Saturday, Clarín anticipated that the January measurement would be around 7% due to the incidence of services (58.59%) in the general average index, affecting to a greater extent the middle class sectors.

7.3% breaks down into a 8.8% increase in prices and tariffs for services and 5.2% in Goods.

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Four sectors had double-digit increases last month. They were Information and Communication (12.1%), Restaurants and Hotels (11.6%), Transport (11.1%) and Recreation and Culture (10.6%).

The prices of food increased by 6.1%And, on the other hand, with only 0.6%, the education sector, due to the school holidays.

With January increases, Restaurants and Hotels amassed a 118.5% increase in 12 months, followed by Apparel and Footwear (112.4%) and Home Equipment and Care (106.9%), Education (106 .5%) and Food and Beverage (103.9%).

In the City of Buenos Aires, housing costs (such as rent and expenses), water, electricity, gas and other fuels contribute 17.43% to the index, slightly more than food (17.13%).

The same goes for transportation. In CABA it weighs 11.44%. Health weighs 8.7% in CABA, due to the weight of prepaid. And restaurants and hotels account for 9.58% of Buenos Aires’ CPI.

What has happened in recent months is that prices and tariffs for services have risen above those for goods. For example, in December services in the city increased by 6.1% and goods by 5.2%. Application of weightsthe Buenos Aires index showed an average of 5.8% against the INDEC’s 5.1% nationwide. A difference of plus or minus 0.7 points.

In January the gap widened, with services with an increase of 8.8% and 5.2 with goods. And that’s because last month there were hikes in public transport fares, mobile phone services and vehicle prices. In Healthcare, the increase in prepaid cards (6.9%) and in the values ​​of drugs and the increases linked to leisure time and tourism stand out.

The 7.3% increase is the highest level since July last year, when it reached 7.7%. Then it fell and both in November and in December they scored 5.8%.

Source: Clarin

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