US companies are asking Congress to prioritize laws to restart the economy instead of going through the process in court

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In one of their strongest statements, companies belonging to the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham) They called on Congress to prioritize initiatives that respond to the current social and economic situation of the country instead of being”paralyzed by the initiative of the impeachment of the members of the Court Supreme Court”, which in addition to not having the possibility of prospering due to the balance of forces “has no justification, nor does it accredit sufficient constitutional elements to be effective”.

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According to the entity, Argentina is in a difficult economic situation. The fall in central bank liquid reserves, they say, restrict the import of inputs and intermediate products for industry and commerce, added to the effects of art Drought, which decrease agricultural production and therefore affect exportable levels, “it will reduce your activity level already hit by decline in private investment and they will put us in the dreaded stagflation scenario: recession with high inflation rates”.

“Although it is undeniable that some productive sectors of our country have enormous potential that could contribute to macroeconomic stabilization, for this to happen it takes each of the three powers to act according to their powers, and within a republican framework. Argentina requires regenerate conditions of trust, respect for institutions and legal certainty are the fundamental pillars of that trust,” they indicated in the statement released on Friday.

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For this reason, AmCham says yes essential “the full functioning of the National Congress, in which all political currents should be involved today discuss and reach agreements which make it possible to overcome the problems afflicting the population in general, but above all the vulnerable sectors that need it most”.

But the agency sees Congress “crippled” by the Court’s impeachment. “This congressional inaction proves it how distant is politics from the real problems of societya situation that undoubtedly also affects the business opportunities that Argentina is asking for for its recovery and production development”.

And he added: “From AmCham Argentina we ask the legislators giving priority to initiatives that respond to the current social situation and cheap, and focus on the consensus search to solve the problems that afflict all Argentines today”.

AmCham brings together more than 650 companies that directly employ 420,000 people and contribute 24% of the country’s GDP, 39% of tax collection, 35% of imports and 45% of exports.

Source: Clarin

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