The 48-day workout used by a Netflix actress to get back in shape

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tamara falco is the protagonist of the Netflix reality show about her glamorous life: La Marquesa. In it, the socialite explained the method she followed to change her habits and have a healthier lifestyle with a 48 day challenge.

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Sara Álvarez, the creator of the Challenge48,​ He explained in an interview that it is about helping people create a routine and habits to be healthier, increase their self-esteem and achieve positive change in their minds. “We are a holistic wellness center that covers 360º, body, mind, nutrition, aesthetics, physiotherapy and education,” she said.

Furthermore, according to a study in the European Journal of Social Psychology, in order to make a new goal or activity automatic, so that we do not have to use willpower, humans need among 18 and 365 days.

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Tamara Falco.  Photo: Instagram

Tamara Falco. Photo: Instagram

What is Challenge48?​

According to its creator, the challenge48 It consists of combining daily functional training with high calorie consumption, always under the guidance of a professional and in small groups, plus personalized nutritional monitoring and beauty sessions to achieve your goals.

Also, seek to improve lung capacity, strength, and of course muscles through self-improvement through exercises.

Training by Tamara Falco.

Training by Tamara Falco.

“Through 48 days of training, always at the same time, with the same equipment and the same coach, we managed to get people to train for one hour, always different (which makes it never boring and the surprise factor helps not miss any lesson Also, we create a community, because we all sweat our shirts together, we all enjoy and suffer the same aches and pains that wanting to be healthy entails,” she said.

He also added that having a nutritionist available during the 48 days to teach people to eat well and make plans to achieve their particular goals and objectives is a great incentive.

Source: Clarin

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