The AFIP launches a program to detect VAT evaders

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Through a resolution, the AFIP has implemented a new “Tax Monitoring Programme” to prevent VAT evasion maneuvers.

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As detailed in General Resolution 5329, published in the Official Gazette, the program aims to optimize the operational and control capacity of the AFIP, contributing to a more efficient management of taxes.

In a first stage, this check will be carried out on value added declarations and income taxes for legal entities.

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From Afip they reported that with this provision what is asked “is to prevent companies from carrying out VAT evasion maneuvers in the transactions they carry out between the companies themselves”.

“It is expected to maximize the exploitation of the organization’s IT resources, by carrying out intelligent systemic cross-checks of the data collected, among other sources, through the different information regimes in place,” the regulations explain.

For this, A Risk Matrix of Fiscal Indicators, which will determine a rate applicable at the time of filing the sworn declarations for each tax period, depending on the tax in question. It will be prepared from all documents submitted in the last 12 months for monthly taxes, and from the last three years for those with annual tax period.

As regards the income tax corresponding to legal persons, the index to be applied will be determined on the basis, among other variables, of the ratio -by economic activity- between the determined tax and the total income declared for each period of tax.

Furthermore, the AFIP has established a VAT collection system applicable to food sales transactions for human consumption, drinks, articles for personal hygiene and cleaning. The persons registered with the value added tax who carry out such sales transactions are obliged to act as collection agents.


Source: Clarin

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