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Light and gas concessions: only 3% of the families that should register have been registered in the registry office

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Nearly 16 million homes have a connection to the electricity grid. Of that total, nearly a third (5.3 million) not entered in the grant register. In other words, they have not expressed their interest in continuing to receive public aid.

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In the Energy Secretariat they estimate that, among those who have not registered, there are more than a million families (at least) who have low incomes and should continue to receive benefits. The estimate comes from the comments of mayors and governors.

The government’s goal is that more needy families register in the subsidy register (RASE). So, she started sending text messages (SMS) to many people who hadn’t signed up and also activated alerts in the Mi Argentina appso that customers who have not applied for subsidies do so.

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So far they have managed to get 30,000 people signed up. they weren’t in the registry. it has just 3% of the “target” audience.

The Government has estimated to eliminate all subsidies on electricity and gas bills for families not registered in the registry office. He also intended to apply this regime to families whose Total monthly income was $520,000 or more.

In the grant register, there are 7.7 million who claim to have a minimum income. They are called N2. They will keep most of the subsidies and the raises they will get will be equal to 40% of the RIPTE, the coefficient of variation in wages.

There is also another 2.8 million of owning families Income that exceeds the minimum but falls short of $520,000 per month. They will keep a portion of the subsidies. And the increases they will have will not be able to exceed 80% of the RIPTE.

The problem is that there are 5.3 million families who have not registered. There are families who no longer want the subsidy, with others who do not know that they must sign up to keep the benefits.

Among those who no longer want the benefit are families with a monthly income of $520,000 among all its members, but also those who earn less but want to keep the ability to buy “dollar savings” or carry out stock exchange transactions that give access to the dollar. If they accept subsidies, they cannot buy foreign currency.

In the Secretariat of Energy they have decided to remove all subsidies for electricity costs. But they were stopped by these 5.3 million households that are not yet registered.

Thus the Government keeps -at least- 40% of the subsidy the cost of electricity for that group of customers.

“There are 33% of the houses not listed in the RASE,” explained the Secretary of Energy, Flavia Royón. “Our estimation is that that number should drop to 23% of the total registry about,” he told Clarin.

The Anses offices helped customers who didn’t know how to fill out the form. But after they stopped doing it. To complete the registration of the benefit, it is necessary to have the receipt at hand, with the customer number, the counter and other details that allow the identification of the family unit. The subsidies are “nominative”, that is, they go to the people.

A tenant who lives in a building whose owner hasn’t asked for concessions is in a position to request them with the sole demonstration of having the rental contract, according to official sources.

Source: Clarin

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