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The natural bicarbonate shampoo to hide white hair

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A concern that usually brings the passing of the years is the appearance of White hair. Many people don’t want their hair to lose its original color, nor do they want to look older.

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There are a wide variety of scalp products that can do this prevent and even reduce the amount of gray hair, but many of them are costly and they don’t end up having much effect. That is why some specialists recommend a homemade shampoo of natural origin which could be a good alternative to treat this condition.

How to prepare a shampoo with baking soda

According to a report from the site All things Hair, linked to the hair product company Unilever, baking soda can work as a good hair cleansing agent. Many recommend it for cases of Fat hairas it can help remove product buildup and keep it clean.

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Baking soda can prevent the appearance of gray hair.

Baking soda can prevent the appearance of gray hair.

However, the company’s specialists assure that it is better use it from time to timesince if the hair is very used to a certain product it can dry and damage it.

If what you are looking for is to eliminate gray hair from the scalp, it is best to make a mixture of baking soda with apple cider vinegar, two products easily available in every home. This works to darken the hair color and thus reduce the amount of gray hair.

This is explained because both products have components that help maintain a balance between PH of the scalp and that its pigmentation is not lost.

Does baking soda work for dandruff?

According to the cited study, baking soda can also be used for dandruff control. That’s because you can prevent and even eliminate the appearance of bacteria that produce dandruff or sebum.

Source: Clarin

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