Home Business Paritarias 2022: one by one, where unions close agreements with 50% wage increase

Paritarias 2022: one by one, where unions close agreements with 50% wage increase

Paritarias 2022: one by one, where unions close agreements with 50% wage increase

Paritarias 2022: one by one, where unions close agreements with 50% wage increase

The best agreement reached so far is Trade. They sealed 59.5% to be collected in 7 tranches.

With inflation continuing, which in March was 6.4%, paritarias 2022 is advancing at an accelerated pace. Nearly 20 agreements have already been agreed with increases between 45 and 50%. In different methods of collection, this is the average of the parities reached.

So far, the best has been obtained by the State Workers and of Commerce, who are in charge 64% and 59.5%, respectively, and charge in installments.

For their part, some, like oil tankers they will receive an extraordinary bonus and others will reopen negotiations.

One by one, all deals so far are approaching or exceeding 50%

Trade: joint agreement of 59.5% from April 2022 to March 2023, in the following tranches:

  • 6% in April
  • 6% in May
  • 6% in June
  • 10% in August
  • 10% in September
  • 11% in November
  • 10.5% in January 2023

    potters: joint agreement of 54%. Acquired by the Federation of Pottery Workers (Focra). an improvement of 54% for the parity year May 2021-April 2022 and once, unpaid fixed sum, which results in the calculation of 18% of the total monthly salary, to be paid in 2 installments in April.

    Get dressed: FONIVA (Workers’ Federation of the Clothing and Related Industries) resolves a salary agreement 53.4% ​​in two tranches

    • 30% from April to June
    • 23.4% from July to October

    In addition, an unusual, fixed, monthly bonus is added, between April and October equal to 7% of basic.

    Soap and Mosaist Manufacturers: the Soap Workers Union agreed to 30% in 5 consecutive stages of 6% between April and August. While the latter reached a salary agreement of 51%, which means an increase of $ 36,000 in 4 installments of $ 9,000.

    Graphics: 50% agreement for its parity year that will run from April to March 23, with a promise to review in November 2022

    cardboard paper: parity of 50% in two tranches. Minimum Wage Guarantee $ 80,000 and $ 70,000 Year End Bonus. Sa Check back next October.

    Naval: The Argentine Union of Naval Workers (SAON) agreed to a 50% increasein the following sections:

    • 15% in May
    • 10% in June
    • 15% in July
    • 10% in August

    In addition to setting a $ 20,000 bonus in Aprilmeet at September for a review.

    meat: the Trade Union Federation of Personnel of the Meat Industry and its Derivatives as the Trade Union Federation of Meat and Allied Workers of Argentina (FESTICARA) agreed to 50% increase in 4 tranches:

    Union organizations representing workers of the meat, poultry, fishing and naval industries have also reached a joint agreement in recent hours with wage increases in the vicinity. 45 and 50% to be collected in different installmentswhile unions in the oil sector agreed to an extraordinary bonus of 21% in two phases, according to the official report.

    • 10% for the April-May section
    • 15% for the June-August section
    • 15% for the September-November section
    • 10% for the December-January 2023 section, with revision in January of next year.

    chicken: the Union Federation of Personnel of the Meat Industry and its Derivatives have agreed with the Chamber of Poultry Processing Companies to review the close of the combined year 21-22, of 7% in April, accumulating an annual 54%.

    Fishing: both SIMAPE and SOMU They agreed to a 45% salary increase in February (27% in March and 18% in July). Next review: September 2022.

    Other agreements:

    Service stations: The stationers, led by the co-head of CGT Carlos Acuña, agreed on the recomposition of the salary of 48% also in 4 sections:

    • 12% in May
    • 12% in June
    • 12% in August
    • 12% in October

    In the comprehensive review of the agreement in November.

    Actors: joint agreement of 48% in 3 tranches:

    • 17% in January
    • 16% in May
    • 15% in September.

    with review when the annual CPI reaches 45%.

    brick makers: The Brick Workers Union (Uolra) led by Luis Cáceres and the head of the sector chamber, Lázaro Faría, They agreed to a 45% salary increase. in two sections:

    • 25% in April
    • 20% in July.
    Unions seek to curb the effects of inflation by branding deals above 50%.  Photo: JUAN MABROMATA / AFP

    Unions seek to curb the effects of inflation by branding deals above 50%. Photo: JUAN MABROMATA / AFP

    Miners and cement factories: The national leadership of the Argentine Mining Workers Association (AOMA) and the Portland Cement Manufacturers Association agreed total salary increase of 48% in 2022 in two sections:

    • 17% until the end of April
    • 11% until next July 31.

    teachers: The Minister of Education, Jaime Perczyk, has offered five unions an increase of 45.45% in four tranches for the starting salary of teachers. When the offer is accepted, it is considered a floor on which subsidiaries must negotiate with the provincial administrations.

    Education Minister Jaime Perczyk has offered a 45.45% deal for teachers ’starting salaries.

    Education Minister Jaime Perczyk has offered a 45.45% deal for teachers ’starting salaries.

    Metallurgists: the former secretary general of the Metallurgical Workers’ Union (UOM), Antonio Caló, and the head of the Chamber of the Small and Medium Metallurgical Industry (Camima), José Ammaturo, agreed on a guideline salary of 45% to be collected in three tranches:

    • 18% in April
    • 15% in July
    • 12% in October

    There will be a review in November.

    Bakers: joint agreement of 45% in 4 tranches:

    • 12% in April
    • 11% in June
    • 11% in September
    • 11% on January 23

    Review in October 2022

    remittances: joint agreement of 45% in six tranches:

    • 5% in April
    • 5% in May
    • 10% in July
    • 5% in October
    • 10% in January
    • 10% in February.

    state agreement

    State: Do the national government and the state unions ATE and UPCN agree with the Ministry of Labor additional 10% increase for public administration workers, who will be received along with salaries next May, so the total annual improvement for the period 2021/2022 reached 64.4%.

    The 10% salary compensation in the face of “the high inflationary process” complements the parity that is still in force for the 2021-22 period, and was agreed before the opening of collective bargaining this year and 2023.

    An additional 10 percent will be received along with next month’s wages by all workers in the national public administration. In this way, it had a total recomposition for the period June 2021-May 2022 of 64.4 percent.

    Agreements less than 50%

    University teachers: the Government agreed to six of the seven representationss of the sector a wage improvement of 41% shared in four sections, while the accumulated total for 2021 is 53%.

    plastics: plastics and their respective chambers agree on a salary increase of 40.9 until next September and the payment of a non -remunerative fixed sum of $ 66,000 in 4 sections: April, May, June and August.

    Of course: the Insurance Union and the entrepreneurs of the sector agreed on the increase for the April-September semester of 37% in four tranches, the Ministry of Labor of the Nation reported today. Workers in the sector will receive an improvement of 15% this month, 7 in June, 9 in August and 6% in September.

    Sports and mutual entities: The Union of Workers of Sports and Civil Entities (Utedyc) and the Argentine Confederations of Mutual Societies (CAM) and the National Mutual Societies (Conam) have jointly agreed on a 29% wage recomposition for the first half of the year . The increase will be paid in three tranches:

    • 12% retroactive until March 1
    • 8% from May 1
    • 9% from June 1.

    loggers: the lumber union agreed a 12% increase from May 1with a total salary of 34% for the January-May period, and will begin new joint negotiations in June.

    tankers: the Argentine Oil, Gas and Biofuels Trade Union Federation, together with the private oil and gas unions of Río Negro, Neuquén, La Pampa, Chubut, Santa Cruz; including unions of hierarchical personnel and private oil and gas professionals from Cuyo, La Rioja, southern Patagonia, Salta, Jujuy and Formosa, agreed to receive an exceptional bonus of 21% in two installments, 10% in May and 11% in June.

    With this increase, the minimum wage of workers in the sector will amount to $ 145,000.

    This increase will be compensation from July, the month in which they will meet to continue negotiations on increases for the joint year, which will run from April 2022 to March 2023.


    Source: Clarin


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