Home Business Alfonso Prat Gay: “What a family pays for electricity in a month is worth the cost of a pizza”

Alfonso Prat Gay: “What a family pays for electricity in a month is worth the cost of a pizza”

Alfonso Prat Gay: “What a family pays for electricity in a month is worth the cost of a pizza”

Alfonso Prat Gay:

Prat Gay considers that Tucumanos want “new faces” in politics.

The former Minister of Finance of the government of Mauricio Macri, again used the metaphor of pizza to criticize, this time, the government of Alberto Fernández: “What an average family pays for electricity a month now is worth a pizza or less”. In economic matters, he said “None of the government decisions have been successful so far.”

In December 2015, Alfonso Prat-Gay was the Minister of Finance took the price of pizza as a reference and compared it to electricity and gas rates. Six years later, a report appeared devoted to measuring the price of a large mozzarella.

“You immortalized the pizza as the reference price”, Journalist Eduardo Feinmann told him when he introduced him. To which the economist replied: “When we don’t trust the monetary sign, we have to start looking at other issues. Since then the value of pizza has increased more or less 10 times “.

In this sense, he continued: “The relevance of the comparison I made at that moment He said the increase in electricity and gas rates may seem overwhelming, but in absolute terms it is equivalent to two pizzas.. Today the electricity bill in a typical home is approximately $ 1,200. Today, everything an average family pays for a month’s electricity is worth a pizza or less. Which shows that let’s go back to the starting point, the populism of giving what you don’t have.

And he added: “The main problem of the agricultural producer today is no diesel. The opposite is that a government that gives you energy will eventually run out of energy. “

About inflation, the economist argued “March was already worrying around 7; there are regions where he is above 7. This came to be solved by Roberto Feletti when Cristina Kirchner put him in that area ”.

“It’s a very strong setback for economic policy to go from 3 to 6% and if that repeats itself in April it’s very worrying. In March, the item that rose significantly was education, which rose 24%. Every month there’s something that has to go up big to keep up with everything that’s gone up, ” stressed.

For Alfonso Prat-Gay, “in economic matters, none of the decisions of the government, specifically the Ministry of Economy, and the Central Bank, have been successful. When the Central Bank is handed over to the power of the sun., It is very difficult. think inflation will go down. ”


Source: Clarin


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