The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) signed by Javier Milei contains some points that will have an impact on the agricultural sector.
“The agricultural sector must be an essential factor in emerging from the emergency and for this reason a strong liberalization of the activity is necessary”, explains the DNU.
Laws relating to the matter that are repealed
-Law No. 9.643 which regulates certificates of deposit and warrants.
–Law no. 26,737 which limits ownership rights to rural land and investment in the sector.
–Law no. 18,600 of wine production contracts.
-Law No. 18.905 national wine policy
-Law n. 22,667 reconversion of wine.
-Law n. 18,770 of the sugar delivery regime for consumption in the internal market.
-Law n. 26,736 which regulates the wood pulp and newsprint market.
-Law No. 12.916 which creates the National Olive Organization
-Law No. 18.859 of new and disposable packaging for products intended for livestock feed
-Law n. 19,990 regulation of the cotton business.
-Law No. 27114 which promoted the establishment and creation of the factories necessary for the establishment of a packaging regime at the origin of Yerba Mate or Ilex Paraguariensis in the production region.
-Law No. 21608 which aimed to promote the expansion of the country’s industrial capacity by strengthening the participation of private businesses in this process.
yerba mate
There is a section of Law 25,564, which established the creation of the National Yerba Mate Institute (INYM). In the said law, Article 3 is replaced by the following: “The objectives of the INYM will be to promote and strengthen the development of the production, transformation, industrialization, marketing and consumption of yerba mate and its derivatives in its different forms of consumption and uses. ., seeking to protect the competitive nature of the sector.”
Subsequently, paragraphs j), n) and r) of article 4 of Law no. 25,564 have been repealed and paragraph i) of the aforementioned article 4 has been replaced with the following: “i) Carry out and compile statistics, censuses and surveys of the production, processing, industrialisation, marketing and consumption of yerba mate and derivatives territory”.
Paragraphs e) and f) of article 5 are also repealed and the fifth paragraph of article 21 is replaced by the following: “The sanctions provided for in article 28 of this law in addition to those that the legislation applies to the figure of tax evasion tax.”
Export ban prohibited
As established by the DNU, the incumbent government cannot restrict or ban exports and imports. Article 609 of Law no. 22.415 of the Customs Code will be formulated as follows: “The National Executive cannot establish prohibitions or restrictions to exports or imports for economic reasons. They can only be enforced by law.”
Source: Clarin