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Almost one and a half million pensioners will collect the bonus in January: how much is the extra and when will it be collected?

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As in December, pensioners and pensioners earning the minimum wage retired with 30 or more years of effective contributions (without resorting to moratoriums) They will receive an extra $22,207 in January, on top of the $55,000 which were also paid last month.

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This is because this sector of pensioners and retirees are entitled to receive 82% of the Living and Moving Minimum Wage (SMVM), which remains at $156,000 as of January. And 82% equals $127,920. Meanwhile, the minimum asset remains at $105,713. As a result, ANSeS will pay pensioners and pensioners in this sector – almost 1.4 million – in January another $22,207, as they received in December.

Since 2018, this group of retirees has failed to collect less than 82% of the SMVM. This amount is in addition to the $55,000 bonus he received in December. and they will also be paid in January.

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This additional amount of $22,207 is due to the fact that item no. 5 of Law 27.426, approved in December 2017, specifies that retirees and retirees “with 30 or more years of service with effective contributions” will receive “a monetary supplement until they reach a salary equivalent to the pension.” to eighty-two percent (82%) of the value of the living and moving minimum wage”.

Since it was approved, This temporary bonus was paid in the months January-May and July-November 2018; In August and October– November 2019, October and November 2021, August, October, November and December 2022. And January and February and April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December 2023.

Pensioners and pensioners receiving the minimum wage and They retired using moratoriums, they don’t receive that extra.

Even pensioners and pensioners with medium and high salaries do not receive this supplement. nor the bonuses that have been granted in recent years.

It is the pensioners and pensioners sector that has suffered the greatest decline in the face of inflation because, like the others, it had a loss of 19.5% during the government of Mauricio Macri.

Then in 2020 he received below-minimum raises. And in 2021, 2022 and 2023 he received none of the bonuses given to lower-wage retirees and pensions. And they won’t even collect it in January 2024. Since September 2017 this segment of pensioners has accumulated losses of more than 45%


Source: Clarin

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