The symptoms are quite similar. However, some may warn of a possible chronic illness until then silentand others need urgent medical care.
In both cases, obviously, it is a decrease or interruption of normal blood flow to the heart. This can be momentary, due to a lot of exercise or intense emotion, or, if not treated quickly, can lead to death.
For all this it is very important to distinguish between suffering from angina or having a heart attack. And, just in case the arteries are blockedknow what measures to take in this regard.
How do I know if I have clogged arteries and what should I do?
THE coronary arteries They are the main vessels that supply blood to the heart. According to the study, inflammation and cholesterol deposits damage them by preventing them from sending enough blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles. Mayo Clinicfrom the United States.
THE coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) occurs when “bad cholesterol” or LDL and other substances begin to build up on the inside walls of the arteries and heart. This buildup is called plaque and can cause narrowing of the arteries which hinders the normal flow of blood.
He “bad cholesterol” It should be below 150 mg/dl, but the lack of “good cholesterol” (HDL) is also harmful, they explain on the Institute’s website. Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.
Between risk factors Suffering from this disease includes family history, aging, being overweight (associated with type 2 diabetes), chronic kidney disease, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, suffering from a lot of “bad stress” (distress), smoking and. also sleep badly.
Atherosclerosis usually develops for years without the patient realizing it. But at a certain point the alarm bells ring for angina. This manifests itself with feeling pressure or tightness in the chest, usually in the center or left side. Produced by strong emotions or after strenuous exercise, it usually disappears within a few minutes. In women it is short and sharp and is felt on the neck, jaw, teeth or back. Shortness of breath, stabbing pain instead of pressure in the chest, or stomach pain may also occur.
On the other hand, if a the coronary artery is completely blocked the result is a heart attack. Its most common symptoms are a feeling of tightness, pain radiating to the chest, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, abdominal area or back, shortness of breath and excessive sweating.
In that case the pain can be intense or mild and it may feel like “a tight band around your chest, severe indigestion, something heavy on your chest, or crushing pressure,” Portal describes. Medline Plus.
In the elderly, people with diabetes and women, chest pain may be minimal or may not occur at all. Atypical symptoms such as difficulty breathing, fatigue and feeling weak may also occur. However, some heart attacks occur without symptoms, known as “silent heart attacks,” the website adds. National Library of Medicine of the United States.
After suffering from angina pectoris, when the pain disappears thanks to rest, the patient must consult the doctor to check if there actually is a blocked artery.
If, however, the chest pain is sudden, without the person having made any effort or felt an intense emotion, it can almost certainly be a heart attack. Then, emergency services should be called immediately (in the city of Buenos Aires, the SAME).
Blockage or destruction of arteries can also affect the brain, where they carry blood high in oxygen. If something hinders this blood flow, the neurons They begin to die within minutes.
This is the origin of hit (CVA), whose symptoms (sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arms, or legs) occur on the opposite side of the body from the damaged hemisphere of the brain. In this case, as in the case of a heart attack, it is necessary to provide medical assistance urgently.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.