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More dollars for the Government: strong growth in agricultural settlements in January

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After a drought-marred 2023, the pace of on-field clearances is off to a better start this year.

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In January companies in the agricultural sector liquidated 1,522 million dollarswhich represents a 64% increase compared to the same month in 2023 and a 22% improvement compared to December 2023.

This is indicated by the latest report from the Chamber of the Petroleum Industry of the Argentine Republic (CIARA) and the Cereal Exporters Center (CEC), entities that represent 48% of Argentine exports.

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As they explained, the highest foreign currency income was in January this year product of the new agricultural dollar regime he was born in macroeconomic movements of the new government that impact grain supply sales decisions.

In any case, despite the increase in foreign currency payments, companies exporting grains and by-products have warned continue to work with high levels of idle capacity.

It should be remembered that the 2023 settlement amounted to $19,742 million, which means a decrease of 51% (about $21,000 million) compared to 2022.

However, as the drought wore on, The sector continued to lead Argentine exports last year. In terms of volume, corn, soybean meal and crude oil reached the podium with 23.9 million, 17.4 million and 6.9 million tonnes, respectively.

In value terms, soybean meal was the product that brought the highest income to the country, with $8,249 million. This is followed by corn, with $6,212 million, and utilities, with $4,771 million.

For this year, according to the first analyzes of the Rosario Stock Exchange at the beginning of the year, the harvest was expected to be 137 million tons and would generate revenues of over 35,000 million dollars.

This is mainly due to the abundant rains that occurred between November and December, which favored the sowing of corn and soybeans.

But now, with little rain in January and extreme heat, crops begin to show symptoms of deterioration and there may be production losses.

Source: Clarin

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