What is the most loyal pet? Scientists at Oregon State University conducted a behavioral experiment which involved dogs and cats to verify which of the two species feels more loyalty and affection for his human. The answer? The emotional bond that a feline can have with its owner should not be underestimated.
Dogs vs. Cats: Which is more loyal to its owner?
A study published in Current biology He explained which animal is most loyal to its owner. For this they had to work with newborn and adult cats, in this way it was possible to establish what type of attachment they were formed with their human being, if any Safe OR insecure, separating the latter between ambivalent or disorganized. The same experiment was done previously with dogs.

During the test, the subject spent two minutes in a new room with their pet, then left the pet alone for another two minutes and returned to their partner in a two-minute reunion phase.
The test was recorded and showed that the cats were between 3 and 8 months old They tend to develop a secure attachment to humans.. The same thing happened in a second attempt with adult cats, of which out of 38, 65.8% had a secure attachment and 34.2% had an insecure attachment.
When alone, the cats showed ambivalent secure and insecure attachment signs of distress and increased vocalization for the lack of his carer. Those who were unsure or disorganized showed indifference.

Although the winner of this competition was the dog in terms of loyalty, the study showed that cats show a similar ability to develop attachment to their humans in the same way it develops in children (65% confident, 35% unsure). safe) and in dogs (58% safe, 42% unsafe). Furthermore, they are capable of forming deep social bonds with the human being.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.