When you apply for a loan or credit, you must submit your credit history, also known as Truthful. It will be difficult to get it if you have debts or if you are very late with payments. How to find out your credit history for free?
This story can be found at the Central Bank and absolutely free of charge. This is necessary not only to know your own history of debts or payments made, but also to review that of a potential customer or supplier.
Credit history: how to find it for free in the Central Bank?
All information about a person and his history of debts, credits and loans can be viewed in the Debtor Center of the Central Bank.
The information is not only free but is available to anyone on the Central Bank’s website. This goes for finding out on your own, but you should also know that a bank, finance company, or loan center can find out for you.
The Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) has a Debtors Center. It is a platform with complete information on the Argentine financial system, generated with data provided by different banking institutions and financial companies across the country. The entire consultation is done online on that page.
This cannot be done in person at any bank branch. If you don’t have access to the Internet, you can go to the bank and one of the employees will easily do it in a few minutes.
To check your credit history, you need to log in to this “BCRA Debtor Center” and enter your credit number. CUIT, CUIL or CDI. The person consulting must also click on the verification system (where it says “I am not a robot”).
Once the data has been entered, the BCRA Debtors Center will deliver a consolidated report which includes the following data (if present in the profile):
- Loans granted by financial institutions.
- Financial trusts.
- Information provided by non-financial entities that issue credit and purchase cards.
- Information from non-financial credit providers.
- If the person belongs to a mutual guarantee company.
- If the person has public guarantee funds.
- Bounced checks.
The information contained in this platform is updated monthly and maintains that of the last two years. It may happen that there is a debt already paid. In this case the person can present receipts certifying the payment.
If you see that a canceled debt has not disappeared from the Debtors Central, you can request the correction of the credit history of the person who granted that loan or of the credit card or bank. This is not requested directly from the Central Bank.
But beyond this, it is possible to access a loan even when you are in debt to the Central Bank, i.e. in Truthful. Some institutions issue credits with a single signature without taking this data into account.
Source: Clarin