The 10 key definitions for 2025 from the economist who interpreted the Milei plan well

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1- Argentina and the world in 2025

2- What is bimonetarism and why is it important?

3- How to kill inflation in a bi-monetary economy

4- Actions: myths and reality

5-How much does inflation drop?

6- Are there dollars missing? Does Milei’s plan hold up?

“It doesn’t matter what the President thinks, but what the market thinks and whether he manages to break the government’s arm. It is said that dollars are missing. But is it so? For next year the government needs maturities of 11,808 million dollars. The reserve accumulation we estimate amounts to $15,000 million. Where will they come from? From the mattress, from the RIGI, from the current account, from the capital market. It doesn’t matter where they come from because it will depend on whether people want pesos or not. If people want pesos it’s because the business is growing and that will determine whether it explodes or not. “I could be completely wrong, but to be wrong you have to change the current program.”

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7- Dollarization of the portfolio before the elections

8- What is the Milei model

9- IMF

10- Consumption, wages, tariffs.

Daniel Artana: “A higher exchange rate is better for a phase like the current one”

Ricardo Arriazu AND Daniele Artana This was discussed yesterday in a meeting organized by Grupo Clarín on the economic challenges for 2025. Artana, Fiel’s chief economist, said he was optimistic about the government’s room for maneuver in an election year. We are accustomed to distrusting public policy that has always been associated with fiscal disorder. I believe the local government will adapt. What if we Dollarized a little ahead of the election year? Well, this will impact the gap and fewer reserves will be accumulated. “I don’t see everything falling like a house of cards.”. However, he warned that this would happen “From an economy where the ability to generate dollars depends on lobbying to a regulated economy, this implies a transition that would perhaps be better achieved with a higher real exchange rate because large companies might be able to adapt to this economy, but an SME in the Non-suburban sector.”

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Source: Clarin

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