Home Business A union report giving lyrics to Cristina

A union report giving lyrics to Cristina

A union report giving lyrics to Cristina

A union report giving lyrics to Cristina

Cristina Kirchner and union leader Hugo Yaski, in 2013.

Inflation, now installed in the area of ​​60% per year and aims at 65%will accumulate a 235% between the end of 2019 and the end of 2022, that is, because the current version of Kirchnerism landed at Casa Rosada. It’s a horror, because that’s it machine cuts salaries, pensions, plans and everything placed in front of it seems to have long been out of control and no brakes to be seen.

A larger increase and worse because of its implications will mark, also during these three years, the cost of food: INDEC statistics and private estimates indicate that it is heading towards 250%.

And although limited, the variant comparing the first quarter of 2022 to the same period of 2021 will yield 22% versus 17.6%: at least four long percent difference, in only the third quarter of the year.

As you can see, all the same color and nothing even similar to the story of the Minister of Economy in that sense “The worst is done”. It’s also not the same as the martingale tried by the Defense official, who is set to defend a foreign fifth: “The expectation is that now inflation will start to drop,” Jorge Taiana said.

It must be known and recontra known, at this point in history, that in the absence of explanations say credible or one that the commentator of the moment truly believes, it’s better to leave the guitar and not revolve around belittling people who are tired of being underestimated.

A report of FIGURE, a learning center linked to the CTA. Linked, otherwise included in the trade union led by cristinista deputy Hugo Yaski.

Even throughout the work the intention is to load of macrismo, some of the data coming out there is cross-cutting and uncertain in favor of the current economic and social situation. If it is not necessary to specify the sender or the recipient, that is always clear the bill was for Olivos, never presented to the Senate.

Among these data, one says that in the fourth quarter of 2021 real wages were 18.1% lower over the same period in 2017. Furthermore, a critical stance emphasizes the stumble: the economic recovery coincides, thus, with the deterioration of revenue distribution.

Trascartón came out that the improvement registered in the post-pandemic was concentrated in the 20% earning the most and that the biggest losses hit the central stratum of society. That is, inequality upon inequality.

More from the same bulletin, the minimum retirement, the universal allowance per child and the minimum, vital and mobile salary, a reference for the salaries of informal workers, they are now lower than in 2019. Conclusion of the report itself: none of the three instruments were used to strengthen the resources of sectors considered weak, or to stimulate greater poverty reduction.

Put in the numbers, the comment states that in March of this year the the minimum retirement has fallen by 20% compared to January 2018 and the AUH, 30% compared to May 2019. The reference point also states that the purchasing power of the minimum, vital and mobile wage is equivalent to 63% of what existed in December 2015.

The list goes on with examples of both species, but there’s one thing to keep in mind, in case you missed it. In some senses, the CIFRA report coincides with the criticism that Christianity has unleashed, without pause or consideration, on the decisions and indiscretions of Martín Guzmán and, subsequently, of Alberto Fernández. Coincidence or something more than coincidence?

So far, Máximo Kirchner announced on Thursday that he will push a bill advancing next August a 45% increase in the minimum wage scheduled for January 2023. At the same time, the bloc of senators reported Cristina that it will support a law so 500 thousand people, who have not reached the years of contributions, can retire in 2022.

There are some combo details that don’t seem to be just coincidental. The CIFRA report is from Tuesday. Máximo’s project, from Thursday, has Yasky’s signature. And Yasky was the union leader who in the same week appealed a request calling for a general wage increase: “We ask that the memory of Néstor Kirchner be enlightened to the Minister of Economy and the President of the Country.”

CIFRA again, now touch comment about your own comments. He said: “Based on this evidence, it is currently being discussed whether the recovery of the economy and employment itself is sufficient to provoke an increase in real wages and, in this way, also improve social conditions.”

The answer is implicit and to say it was discussed means that even Cristina Kirchner is certainly raising the discussion. And about the rebound in employment, the report speaks about the generated by social plans, which INDEC puts in the range.

It is almost impossible to say that the launch of bills of this kind today, in the midst of the fight against Alberto Fernández, is part of intense operation aimed at transforming itself into Fernández and charging the entire economic and social crisis into Fernández’s account.

It is also a very K way to mark the court. a mode of intervene in economic policy decisions by pushingas long as it is not possible to control the Ministry of Economy or, if preferred, until this is achieved move Guzman and put one of them in its place. There is the power of the great and the box of the great in fullness.

The problem is Fernández resists, convinced of the obvious: that the disposal of Guzmán meant surrender and, in the same action, raffle political aspirations for him that are unique and certainly never to be repeated.

The question also speaks about it rather overrated political cadre named Cristina Kirchner, who now lacks an alternative minister other than Axel Kicillof and has never stood up for his ability to bring together teams, as can be seen. Perhaps they are derivations of the ego or something similar to the ego that, so far, no one can trust; in his own way, of course.

He said on Friday: “There’s a phenomenon we don’t know, that’s about workers in a poor dependency relationship. It hasn’t happened yet. “

Clearly everywhere you look: in her escalation against Fernández, Cristina does not measure the violence of the attacks.

He speaks as if he is not himself the Vice President of the Country, or the one who put the president, Fernández, where he is, or the person in charge of the ruling coalition. He speaks as if it has nothing to do with what is happening, like cabbage is happening. Along with the phenomenon that we do not know and have not yet happened.

Everything looks pretty Kafkaesque or, if you prefer a very realistic variant, it looks like a theater of irresponsibility.

We have there, within a government that is crumbling, a leadership that conducts a fight without limit or cares about the effects of collateral. Meanwhile, abroad, the economic and social panorama is also deteriorating indefinitely and sowing uncertainties.

And the viewers ?: bad, but get used to it.

Source: Clarin


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