Home Business Davos is back, personally, with no snow and with inflation on the agenda

Davos is back, personally, with no snow and with inflation on the agenda

Davos is back, personally, with no snow and with inflation on the agenda

Davos is back, personally, with no snow and with inflation on the agenda

Overall view of Davos, with Belvedere Hotel in front. The next edition has no snowy landscape.

From May 22 to 26 in the Swiss alpine village They will retaliate for the two years in which the global business summit was almost held. This time he changed the date of the meeting, which will be face to face in a month warmer than January and always in Davos. Yes, no snow. Since Mauricio Macri left the presidency, the World Economic Forum has had virtually no Argentines at the conferences. At least inevitably Eduardo Elsztain, Alejandro Bulgheroni and Enrique Pescarmona have not confirmed their presence.

But there will be a spirit of youth in the figure of Facundo Cajen, 31 years old, with Olavarría’s birth certificate and chosen by Foro as one of 50 delegates who will participate in the meeting to ensure that the perspective of the new generation is heard. All delegates belong to the Global Shapers community (Davos initiative) to promote the development of leaders. Cajen created the Proponas platform, where people “can put pressure on people who make decisions, whether they are politicians, big companies or the justice system.” He is also General Director of Global Shapers Buenos Aires. This initiative was also chosen as the voice of civil society at the Summit of the Americas to be held from June 5 to 10 in Los Angeles.

In Davos the war in Ukraine will be reviewed as a call to moral action on a global scale and 2,000 political leaders and businessmen will participate in what they call the “Davos Spirit”. There will be another call for “a decade of action”, after the pandemic and now Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with a focus on sustainable growth, the acceleration of technology and the reduction of inequality.

The organizers are introducing at the moment as a “humanitarian catastrophe due to war and economies in shock due to rising energy prices, food prices, an inflation that could get out of control with its effects on poverty, inequality and instability in politics. “

Curious, though not surprising, is Córdoba’s role as a powerhouse of thought and economic plans. The Mediterranean Foundation, after joining Carlos Melconian to lead a team to design an economic program to be offered to the 2023 winner, not only raised the profile but also caused an “me too” impact. So, the Córdoba Stock Exchange, with the same goal, hired Guido Sandleris, former president of the Central Bank during Macri’s time. Both assignments generated rispideces that were synthesized in the comments of “they always choose porteños.”

While tariff hearings are taking place, with a lot of noise and little information from the Government, the Vos radio interview with Edenor’s former CEO, Ricardo Torres, who is also director of Marcelo Mindlin’s Grupo Pampa, called attention. “If we want, electricity service should increase. When I was at Edenor we surveyed customer satisfaction. The lowest point was 2015 and the highest 2019. It was the cuts and not the rates that made people piss off,” he exclaimed. niya. Of course, this is different from the Macri government: “It lost because of the economy, not because of the rate increase. They did well in the micro and a disaster in the macro.”

Headquartered in Paris, the International Chamber of Commerce, whose Argentina chapter is headed by Marcelo Elizondo, is set to remove papers that hinder foreign trade, which are already plagued by a lack of containers and costs that have multiplied several times over. In a world where digitization is advancing, they are asking governments to make procedures online as in most dependencies, except customs. This chamber was created in 1919 in France and had the status of a consultative body before the United Nations.

InDriver, with a birth certificate in the United States is a transportation applicatione of passengers allowing passengers and driver to agree on the fare of the trip, without intermediaries or pre -established algorithms, within seconds. It has expanded to 600 cities in 42 countries around the world and has just arrived in Argentina. Upon entering the app, the passenger specifies the route and the amount they are willing to pay. Based on this information, different drivers accept or oppose their proposal and the user ends up accepting any of the proposals received. It has had operations for almost the entire region since it was born three years ago in Mountain View, the heart of Silicon Valley in California. Its partners are funds Insight Partners, General Catalyst, and Bond Capital.

Source: Clarin


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