Home Business Feletti launched four price baskets after a sharp rise in inflation in March

Feletti launched four price baskets after a sharp rise in inflation in March

Feletti launched four price baskets after a sharp rise in inflation in March

The Secretary of Internal Commerce, Roberto Feletti will launch this week a good portion of the four regulated baskets he discussed. The goal is to “stabilize” pricesafter the sharp rise in food prices in March, which would have brought inflation to the range of between 5 and 6% per month and caused tension in the government due to the course control prices.

Inside that package, Feletti confirmed on Sunday that he is moving forward with a basket of vegetables to initially cover AMBA and then expand to other regions. The official met last week with the mayors of Buenos Aires of the third electoral section and talked with the Central Market and other fruit and vegetable markets.

“Initially, there will be four vegetables and one fruit in a basket with superand then we have more or less closed to wholesalers and supermarkets, and then we look for the best way to market it in the territories, especially in the metropolitan area, where it has the most impact, “Feletti said on Futurock radio.

Without confirming the date, he pointed out that the agreement extends to local businesses and this Monday they will accept retailers.

The proposal is in response to a 7.5% increase in food and beverages in February, with strong increases in lettuce (72.7%), round tomatoes (40.8%), onions (30.8%), lemons (27%) and chicken eggs (22.5%), which led to inflation at 4.7%. The latest private surveys also show a disturbing picture in March.

According to EcoGo, food and beverage stood at a monthly average of 5.9% last month. The biggest increase was 4% in the third week of the month, after the announced “war” against inflation. And, for the third consecutive month, fruits and vegetables posted significant increases. There are also baked goods, cereals and pasta. The consultant estimated 6.3% inflation in March.

The government forecast will show a slowdown in CPI in April, when economists estimate a smaller increase, although they are both high and that could reach 4%. “It’s going to be high inflation (in March), an atypical inflation, and our great goal is to stabilize it and that in April it started to lower “, assured in the last hours of the Minister of Productive Development, Matias Kulfas.

The other steps in which Feletti works are the will launch this Thursday a renewed list of 1,300 Care Prices productswith an average increase of 3% per month in the second quarter. It will be accompanied by a proximity basket with 60 products in neighborhood stores, the current government’s second attempt to influence the prices of smaller stores.

The idea is to combine them for guidelines and renewals aligned“, Internal Trade sources pointed out. After intense ventures with food manufacturers, Internal Trade last week agreed with the Coordinator of Food Products Industries (COPAL) to restore prices on March 10 and guarantee supply to the gondolas.

Another fresh basket is the meat, with a continuation of the 7 famous slices that they could not be exported and also caused friction with refrigerators. Last March, the Minister of Agriculture, Julián Domínguez, warned that cattle exports would be banned in case there were no reductions in affordable prices in the domestic market.

Rising inflation continues to cause jerks to the economic team. Feletti reiterated on Sunday that the trusts were “palliative” and that “lacking a larger decoupling of international prices”, which refers to the increase in withholdings. He also argued that Kirchnerism’s legislative project on “tax capital flight” allows foreign currency to accumulate.

“The more reserves you accumulate, the more arrangements in the external sector you create and promote stability and not the other way around. If you want to order only using monetary and monetary policy, you will fail like others have done. plans, “he said warmly. And he added: “Inflation is multicausal and doesn’t just depend on me as some believe, I blame those who think inflation is monetary“.

Source: Clarin


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