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“Technology is an ally, not an enemy”

“Technology is an ally, not an enemy”

Graciela Russo, president of CABA’s Professional Council of Economic Sciences.


Gabriela Russo

President of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of CABA.

The accountants we are the main ally of any organization because no business or enterprise can grow without the advice of a professional in the Economic Sciences. This includes the State, which is dependent on our work to collect and taxpayers complying with their tax obligations in a timely manner.

Today, one of the most important work tools we use are the websites of control bodies. So also we have a hard time understanding the many problems we experience when using those sites: page down; applications with errors; recurring problems; information that cannot be displayed, etc.

Mercedes Marcó del Pont, the director of AFIP, in the Senate on Monday.

Mercedes Marcó del Pont, the director of AFIP, in the Senate on Monday.

We consider it important to take serious work to solve all these problems and also not to take steps that do not consult or affect our work and therefore the collection. An example of this happened a few days ago. Through Provision 74/2022, AFIP approved the new “Terms and conditions on access and use of AFIP systems and services”, detailed in the Annex to the standard.

In the controversial new arrangement New limits on the use of the AFIP website and system were established, forming certain limits on the use of data and limiting liabilities for possible errors or lack of availability of both.. As well as automatic data collection inherent in taxpayers. One of the sections that created the most controversy refers to the ban on the use of bots.

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These decisions exacerbate the situation of professionals across the country. such a complex tax system, with more than 70,000 regulations and more than 170 taxesAny small business or any business needs professional advice.

This proposal was made from one day to the next, without consulting the affected parties, and in months of more work for registration. Many professionals have invested in this type of tools to comply with our clients ’tax obligations.

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We ask AFIP that check this measurement looking for a balance between computer security and what accountants need.

We also claim that the annual maturity of the Income and Personal Assets Tax has been deferred, at least, to July to have a reasonable term to comply in a timely manner with the obligations. It is important that applications are available 60 days in advance and work correctly, as this is the only way we, accountants and taxpayers, have to make the presentations and that, ultimately, allows the State to collect .

It seems so clear and logical, we have to raise it countless times. Even in the year 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, we had to go to court to get the expirations of the Income and Personal Assets Tax to extend for the people. This is the first time in the history of the Professional Council that help has been sought the collective amparo actionto defend the work of our students.

The judges recognized the representation of the accountants and Afip had no choice but to extend the deadlines to present and pay the affidavits. we are at the forefront of economic emergencies being a mediator and providing corresponding assistance on topics such as ATP, REPRO, etc. We are always available to contribute.

The pandemic has presented itself as a major challenge. From the Professional Council of the Autonomous City we understood this and responded with a fast digital innovation services who use our registry the most. In addition, we have doubled our commitment to the academic field, incorporating new quality measures, free of charge and constantly updated so that professionals can perform their tasks using the best information.

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Only someone who is constantly updated can give advice and provide necessary assistance to those who need it. It is important that the professional fits every day because technology is important and it is impossible to think about our work without technological tools. Profession and technology go hand in hand and we need to prepare ourselves for this professional present and future. The future of the profession is already in the present.

Provision 74/2022, AFIP not only turns back time but it also contradicts an unstoppable global trend: the exponential growth in the use of artificial intelligence and the result of automation of tasks. Professionals are well aware of this phenomenon. The new challenges are permanent and we are forced to meet them in order to provide quality and efficient service.

Digital changes are bringing new businesses where the role of the professional is key. In particular, we are the main advisor to companies and many of the companies are technology based.

In this permanent search we need to be be open, creative, innovative and be responsive to opportunities that come with technological advances. Technology should be seen as a strategic ally of our professional service.

But we must remember that our work as professionals in Economic Science is more than just handling technological tools. Our work involves technical and academic knowledge supporting technology. That’s the paradigm shift in which we should lead our professions.

The challenges facing Economic Sciences professionals today are just as great and fascinating. If crisis is chance, Argentina is the country of opportunities.

But far from feeling intimidated, it’s good to remember that every bad economic situation, every regulatory change, every technological advancement, discovery or development, generates new opportunities. This is so, as new needs, new products, new services and challenges emerge.

We must aim to achieve a strategic alliance with technology and adapt to constant changes. The spaces that are emerging in the face of new developments in science and technology are often occupied by professionals in the Economic Sciences.

The role of our profession as Public Accountants, Graduates in Administration, Graduates in Economics and Actuaries, is now based on the strategic contribution and interpretation of information made by new technologies on a large scale, focused on decision making and compliance with regulations. established by regulatory authorities.

It is the present, not the future. From the State must understand and organize. Making decisions that go against it is wrong.

The Council is a public law entity, not state, independent of the powers of the State, which currently brings together more than 70,000 registered and which, by virtue of the provisions of national law and legislation of the Autonomous City Legislature of Buenos Aires, regulates and regulates the use of the Economic Sciences professionswhich enables the registration of Public Accountant, Bachelor of Administration, Bachelor of Economics and Actuary in our jurisdiction.

Source: Clarin


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