Jaime Campos, president of the AEA.
Alberto Fernández has not yet confirmed his attendance at what is being considered business event of the year. It is that the Argentine Business Association (AEA) will be 20 and organizing a day where The country’s major businessmen will speak.
The selected title is a message: “The private sector is the main factor for growth.” It will take place on Tuesday, June 7, and Federico Braun (La Anónima), Alfredo Coto (Coto), Alberto Hojman (BGH), Héctor Magnetto (Grupo Clarín), Martín Migoya (Globant), Carlos Miguens (Grupo Miguens), Luis Pagani (Arcor) and Paolo Rocca (Techint).
The day was held for the first time after two years of pandemic. The businessmen, with the moderation of Ricardo Kirschbaum for Clarion and Jose del Rio for The Country, will give their perspective on economy, its most difficult challenges and the opportunities the world offersparticularly now associated with food and energy.
The opening will be presided over by AEA president Jaime Campos, who will emphasize the anniversary. He will leave the main course to the speakers. The AEA covers the owners and CEOs of major companies in the country.
The AEA was founded on May 28, 2002 on the initiative of a group of entrepreneurs with the aim of “promoting the economic and social development of Argentina from private business perspectivea, with special emphasis on strengthening institutions. ”The main feature of the AEA is the personal participation of the owners of the most important companies in the country in the review of public policies of the general interest.
The last time the country’s major entrepreneurs appeared together, under the AEA seal, was in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic and the change of government administration.
“The idea is to demonstrate the capacity and willingness of the private sector to make a significant contribution to Argentina’s economic and social development,” they said. “The macro and micro economic challenges that must be addressed to make our country possibles are integrated into a path of continuous development”, They added.
One of the topics to dominate the meeting was the new global context, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which opened up significant opportunities for the country, particularly in the areas of food and energy. Entrepreneurs consider that, in order to take advantage of them, it is necessary “develop conditions” to give way to the private sector.
Source: Clarin