Finally the Government will raise the Income Tax level for dependency -related employees from $ 225,937 monthly to $ 280,000 and not $ 275,000, as first transferred.
This was officially announced by the Government after the meeting between the head of the House of Deputies, Sergio Massa, and Héctor Daer, head of the CGT, along with President Alberto Fernández and Minister Martín Guzmán at Casa Rosada.
The meeting was also attended by unionist Carlos Acuña, and truck leader Pablo Moyano.
Despite the fact that the Executive confirmed the president’s presence, the official announcement was finally made by Massa and Guzmán. They will also face Daer and Acuña media.
The improvement will include a half bonus for June, as Massa said, so that this bonus is not taxable by the tax that affects wages.
The confirmation came after another career to take over the good news agenda, in a very complex economic and social context. This logic took the internal one of the national Government and in that frame it was necessary to understand the pressure of the Massa on Guzmán to accelerate the reduction to the non -taxable minimum of Revenues.
note generation
Source: Clarin