Lack of diesel: they warn that 8 provinces have little or no supply to service stations

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Lack of diesel: they warn that 8 provinces have little or no supply to service stations

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Queue of diesel loading trucks in Santa Fe last April.

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Although governed by parties from different political backgrounds – Peronists, radicals and even local forces – the northern provinces they are traversed by a common tragedy: the lack of diesel. Not even the proximity to the Casa Rosada of some of its governors manages to solve their problem.

The governor of Tucumán himself, the Peronist Osvaldo Jaldo, he had to intervene to prevent the truck drivers of that province from initiating a measure of force.

After a meeting this Monday, the carriers they decided to go to an intermediate room until this Friday, pending the efforts of the provincial government to solve the shortage of diesel.

Governor Osvaldo Jaldo conducts a meeting with carriers on Monday.

Governor Osvaldo Jaldo conducts a meeting with carriers on Monday.

FADEEAC, the national chamber that brings together freight transport companies, just launched an alert why there “8 provinces in red”that is, with very little or no diesel power at petrol stations.

These are Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Tucumán, Misiones, Corrientes, Santa Fe and between rivers.

“Routes 14, 34, 9, 12 and 7 are those that suffer the greatest shortage of fuel, while the provinces in red, orange and yellow increase the ‘map of diesel supply, created by the technicians of the Argentine Federation of Commercial Transport Entities merci (FADEEAC) “, reads a report entitled”The fuel light turns red “.

It is a virtual traffic light that aims at monitor in real time fuel availability in Argentina.

That map, in addition to the 8 provinces in red, is as follows:

# Seven provinces in orange (identifies the districts where the average supply is 20 liters per unit): Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, San Juan, Mendoza, Buenos Aires and the city of Buenos Aires).

# Four provinces in yellow (to indicate places where between 21 and 50 liters per unit and between 51 and 100 liters are loaded): Catamarca, La Rioja and San Luis, in the first subgroup, and La Pampa, in the second.

# Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego are the only ones that appear in green.

Fadeeac Fuel traffic light.

Fadeeac Fuel traffic light.

“The shortage we are suffering has been going on for more than two months. We understand that it is not an easy problem to solve, but it is clear to us that it is. a problem caused by the lack of foreign currency and the difficulty of moving quickly to the necessary policies, “he said Roberto Guarneripresident of FADEEAC.

And he added: “For several weeks, hundreds of trucks from Bolivia have been coming to the port of Campana to look for the fuel they import from their country. If you pay, there is fuel available. In the meantime, in Argentina we have trucks stuck on the side of the roadfor lack of diesel.

Representatives of the Industrial Union of Tucumán, the Rural Society, cargo companies and even trade unions attended Monday’s meeting in Tucumán between Governor Jaldo and other officials.

Loading diesel into a truck in Santa Fe.

Loading diesel into a truck in Santa Fe.

«Among all of us we analyze the real situation of the supply of diesel in the province. It is a situation that afflicts us because it damages to some extent the normal functioning of the provincial economy, especially at a time when the citrus and sugar harvest is in progress“, then explained the Minister of Productive Development, Alvaro Simon Padros.

The minister also confided: “We are making arrangements at the national level at the National Energy Secretariat. The governor himself has contacted Darío Martínez (he is the Secretary of Energy) to see how the distribution of diesel in the country be fairer.

Panorama in other provinces

Clarione consulted in other northern provinces and confirmed the diesel shortage.

“Yes, we miss them. We have raised the issue for three meetings (of governors) in the Norte Grande. We are in contact with the YPF manager on the matter,” he said. Clarione the governor of Jujuy, the radical Gerardo Morales.

Exequiel Lello IvacevichMinister of Economic Development and Production of the Jujuy Province, explained that the problem of scarcity in his province has worsened with the beginning of the sugar harvest.

Governor Gerardo Morales.

Governor Gerardo Morales.

A further problem – said the official – is that of the low price of fuel in Argentina Couriers from Bolivia come to pick up Jujuywhich makes the demand even higher.

Something similar happens in Misiones, they explained in the administration of Governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad. “There is a long line of Paraguayans and Brazilians loading diesel”indicated in the provincial cabinet.

And they added: “There is a lot of shortage, but it is not lacking. The governor has held talks with oil companies for supplies to the province, mainly YPF. “

In Corrientes, close to the radical governor Gustavo Valdés, they indicated: “There is a shortage, but Nation says no “.

In Santa Fe, a district governed by the Peronist Omar Perotti, they said there are talks with the Ypf to guarantee the province’s diesel quota.

Omar Perotti, governor of Santa Fe.

Omar Perotti, governor of Santa Fe.

But they clarified: “Today there is no shortage, but there is no excess. A solution that could be done is to increase the share of biodiesel”. Santa Fe is a major producer of biofuels.

Source: Clarin

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