Born in Tucumán, he sets the Bank of England rates and is targeted by the opposition

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Born in Tucumán, he sets the Bank of England rates and is targeted by the opposition

Silvana Tenreyro, the Argentine economist who works at the Bank of England and who could be repatriated after 2023.

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Silvana Tenreyro graduated in economist from the National University of Tucumán, worked at the US Federal Reserve and is currently a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee. She has been appointed a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, a position that alternates with her lectures at the London School of Economics. At the Bank of England, you decide the monetary policy of the British issuing institution, which today has as its sole theme the fight against inflation. That political committee already had another Argentine, Mario Blejer. Tenreyro is considered one of the most prestigious economists. He won the Yrjo Jahnson Prize, awarded by the Finnish foundation of the same name and the European Economic Association (ESA) to economists under 45. These data have not gone unnoticed by several branches of the opposition who, perhaps following in the footsteps of Alberto Fernández who brought Martín Guzmán from Columbia University, will try to attempt it for the period starting in 2023, if they win the elections. . “I grew up with hyperinflation, high unemployment, a lot of inequality and poverty, and the economic issue was there,” said this economist in several reports. As for Argentina, he assures that “a long-term fiscal and monetary stabilization plan serves to put an end to imbalances and cooperation and mature dialogue between trade unions and companies to stop inflationary inertia”.

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The aviation industry was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic and although it began to recover, the Russian invasion of Ukraine came and hit it again. It would only be fully operational in 2025, according to specialist Bain & Company. “Air traffic levels will not return to pre-pandemic numbers only in the second quarter of 2025, 12 months after initial forecasts,” they noted. Travel projections between Europe and Asia also took a hit, dropping 70% to 56% from 2019 levels, reflecting both the impact of China’s blockades from the new wave of COVID-19 and rising costs. of operations due to the ban on flights in Russian airspace.

Néstor Roulet is an agricultural leader dedicated to the study of the relative prices of different products. In the case of wheat, now with record international prices due to the war, he deduces that while in Brazil a kilogram of bread costs 3.67 times more than what you pay for 1 kilo of wheat, in Uruguay 4.21 and in Chile 4.36, in Argentina it is 6.75 times more than what the producer receives per kilo of wheat. “The problem of the price of bread in our country is not due to the value of the raw material, but to the added value in the subsequent links in the supply chain”. Roulet took as an example what is happening in Chile. The Trans-Andean country has to import half of the wheat and is the main consumer of bread with 86 kilos per inhabitant and per year, compared to 72 kilos in Argentina. “There, a kilo of bread costs 15% less than in Argentina,” he says, pointing to the commercial chain.

Nuqlea, the complete digital platform for construction, raised $ 3 million in its seed investment round. Among its founding team of 10 businessmen and entrepreneurs are former Dow and Vista, Gastón Remy who holds the position of CEO, Pepe Sánchez, basketball player of the Golden National Team; the former Dow, Pablo Silveri; Hernán Sánchez, president of Alalog de la Cámara, which brings together the logistics companies; Bernardo Cassagne, founder of the Tanoira Cassagne studio; Julio Quel and digital entrepreneurs, Inés Cura, Francisco Brañas and Leonardo Dimieri. The platform has 20,000 products from 44 leading brands. And it offers the preparation of customized budgets. Investors include Newtopia, the Murchison group, figures such as Manu Ginobili and Eduardo Novillo Astrada and Matías Woloski, the co-founder of the Auth0 unicorn.

From tomorrow, Monday, the traditional engineering week begins, but this time with two substantial changes. The focus will be on innovation and for the first time a woman will chair the conference. The debate will focus on the contribution of engineering to the development of technology and infrastructure to innovate. Agustina Fainguersch, an engineer by profession, will hold the presidency of the week alongside Pablo Bereciartúa, head of the Argentine Center of Engineers. Andrea Heins, president of the Argentine Committee of the World Energy Council, Gabriela Macagni and Pamela Scheruer are other speakers. Fainguersch is Regional Director for South America Meta. She was one of the founders of Wolox, dedicated to software, then acquired by Accenture.

ECLAC will publish its report on the impact of the war in Ukraine next week in the area. The scenario is gloomy due to an external context that already before the war showed a slowdown in the rate of growth of economic activity and international trade, but that the war, the new variants of COVID-19, and the rise in prices of energy and food have become even more difficult. Furthermore, there are internal problems that increase poverty and inequality.

Source: Clarin

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