Renters earning less than $ 350,000 will need to register to keep subsidies on a property. Photo Andres D’Elia
The removal of subsidies for electricity and gas bills it will not affect the people who rent the house in which they reside, as long as they do not belong to a family group earning $ 350,000 a month.
Most of the tenants they do not have tickets for services in their nameand even many owners do not meet this condition, as the invoice can be made out to a previous owner or a relative.
The elimination of subsidies to certain sectors means that more than 900,000 customers will have to pay “the full cost of public electricity and natural gas services from the network contained in the bill, if applicable ”, as announced Thursday by the Giunta del Power.
Which has installed a doubt in a large number of tenants: “What if I rent a property that is owned by someone with a “high income” (the $ 350,000 that will be the dividing line in June) and my (or family group’s) salary doesn’t reach $ 350,000?
The answer is that they will keep the subsidies, regardless of whether it is your home. The government has created a special registry that deals with these thousands of cases.
Through a form – which will be available the same week – each family unit will have to register in a named category “User or Residential User of the service”. It is for those who use the electricity and gas services of a property, but its name does not match the name of the meter owner registered with the electricity or gas distribution company.
On Thursday, the Presidency issued a decree removing subsidies in the rates of households whose income exceeds 3.5 basic baskets ($ 350,000 as of Tuesday) or where homeowners reside. three cars (con less than five years) or owners of three buildings. The government assumes it 10% of the population with the highest incomes meet these requirements.
Tenants who do not reach this level of income must be registered in a register that the Executive Power will open the next week. There, they will need to identify themselves as a “User or Residential User of the Service”. In this way “they must be equated, exclusively for the purposes of the segmentation provided for by this decree, to the owner of this service”, reads the provision of Thursday.
Individuals who hire, and who do not earn $ 350,000 monthly until June, will keep the subsidy, as ordered by the Executive, at least for this year. “This is regardless of whether they rent to an owner who has a property, five or ten, if they are in the most expensive or cheapest neighborhood,” the official sources explained.
The ‘resident user-user of the service’ will have an identification in the archives of the Secretariat for Energy. There you have to notify if you rent or not, or if the service of the house you live in is in your name, or that of another person, so that the system has a new registration, with updated data.
The government has already tried to identify the owners of public services. But did not achieve the expected results.
There is no need to show the contract
Power it will not require any “residential user” to show the lease. But you will have to declare, like a sworn statement, that the house he lives in is not his. Any inconsistency in that statement (in case of cross-checking with other records) can lead to the removal of the grant.
This will help the tenant continue to receive subsidies if they rent the property to someone over $ 350,000 a month. The account will remain in the tenant’s nameassociated with the household in which you are located and you will keep the advantages of the discount.
Even, if it movesbut your income is below the threshold decided by the government, keep subsidies with your “resident user” ID in the new home. The discount will be carried elsewhere.
The measure also aims at avoid making a discount in the cost of electricity and gas to whom – according to the criteria of the Executive – is able to allocate a greater percentage of its income to these services.
For example, owners who have services in the name of other people, such as retirees or deceased relatives. By having ownership of the ballot in a retiree’s name, it is assumed that this household would avoid the loss of benefits (as most pensioners do not reach $ 350,000 a month).
But the registration obligation in the Register of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE) is for check if the person using the service is actually the owner registered, or the consumption of that family belongs to other people. In companies they believe that there are children with family income of $ 350,000 who they will “hide” in a vote on behalf of a retired parent preserve subsidies and not pay increases.
Those who accept the removal of subsidies They will not be required to complete the form.
But those who want to preserve the state discount must be able to associate ownership of the services they use with the address where they receive the tickets.
“This process (the removal of subsidies) will be done gradually and in bimonthly quarters, so that, at the end of the current year, they pay the full cost of the energy they are billed to,” the government warned. Since 80% of the cost of electricity is subsidized and nearly 75% of gas is subsidized, the removal of subsidies will result in an increase in tickets for nearly one million customers.
Martin Bidegaray
Source: Clarin