Job application: what are the professions that guide company searches

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Job application: what are the professions that guide company searches

The cleaning and maintenance staff are the most sought after in the field of trades right now. EFE photographic archive / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

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Staff for maintenance and cleaning (21%) is the most requested by companies in the evaluation phase the most requested professions In the job market. Followed by security officers (13%), mechanics (10%), drivers (6%) and electronic technicians (6%).

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The 10 most requested areas in the job market of trades are completed with factory operator, electrician, installer of alarms or cables, aesthetics and personal care, and cadet, according to a work carried out by the research site Bumeran.

Regarding the responses received from warnings, the ones that most people conjure up they are also those of maintenance and cleaning (34%) and safety (27%), but later the two rankings separate. The list of positions with the highest number of candidates is completed with factory operator (8%), cadet, driver, trainee or trainee, cashier, valet parking, mechanic and electrician.

The areas that receive the highest number of requests per ad are the tills (2.4 times the average for the trade segment), valet parking (2.3 times) and security (2 times).

Among those looking for work in this field, 60% are men and 40% women, against the general market, where they are divided into equal portions.

Within the professions, the positions to which women apply the most are domestic worker, with 92% participation; little sister (88%); aesthetics and personal care (85%), promoters (75%), cashier (72%), translation (70%), cleaning (70%) and Back Office, with 60%.

In addition, 52.8% of the total. millennials (aged 25 to 37), followed by centenarians (18 and 24), with 20.8% and generation X (38 and 47). “There are almost no differences between the age groups applying for the trades and those participating in the job market in general,” Bumeran says in her report.

How much salary is being asked

Although Bumeran has not disaggregated the commercial sector, in general the average salary requested as measured by the portal increased by 8.4% in May and reached $ 134,825 per month.

$ 204,483 is required for the position of chief or supervisor, while $ 136,735 is required for senior and semi-senior categories and $ 90,608 at junior levels.

So far in 2022 the expected salary accumulates an increase of 33.7% and in the last twelve months of 75.7%.

What are the best paid positions? The highest paid positions are the product, at $ 324,252 per month at the manager or supervisor level; technology / systems, with $ 310,234 in semi-senior or senior positions; and mining / oil / gas, with $ 163,958 in the junior segment.


Source: Clarin

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