Home Business One by one, what are the guilds summoned to open parity

One by one, what are the guilds summoned to open parity

One by one, what are the guilds summoned to open parity

One by one, what are the guilds summoned to open parity

The call aims to reconsider private sector wages and deal with the expected rise in inflation for this year.

The Ministry of Labor has called for a joint meeting to reconsider wages. There are more than 20 unions of economic activity They will have to go in the next few days with the business rooms to come up with new agreements.

This is to re-discuss private sector salaries and to deal with the rising inflation forecast for this year. Government officials on Thursday made that decision summon advance paritys with the aim of reducing the effects of inflation and for the first time 26 guilds were included.

By Resolution 388/2022published in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Minister of Labor, Claudio Moroni, promoted the wage discussion in a context where rising labor prices February was up 4.7% while year-on-year was up 52%according to data released by Indec.

The proposal was arranged after an agreement was reached this week between the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) and the CGT within the framework of a tripartite table convened at the Ministry of Economy, in which the trade union raised the need to promote salary negotiations and it was agreed to promote a regulated basket with 50 or 60 essential products.

“In order to comply with the agreement, it is necessary to use all those measures aimed at promoting voluntary collective bargaining, promote the meeting, as soon as possible, of representatives of the trade union sectors and private sector employers, in order.to open the negotiation of joint ventures with agreements or collective bargaining agreements with an unexpired term, and of those who have had agreements or collective bargaining agreements with an expired term and not yet at the stage of negotiations ”, the Resolution states.

The proposal is defined after the meeting held by the Government with representatives of the CGT and the UIA where they agreed on Tuesday a series of initiatives aimed at containing inflationary pressure and enhancing the purchasing power of workers.

One by one what are the summoned guilds

  • UOCRA: construction
  • trucks
  • Health
  • Hotel and Gastronomic
  • Security
  • Maestranza
  • plastics
  • Pastry chefs, confectioners, pizza makers and alfajores
  • of course
  • Feeding
  • fabrics
  • Television
  • mechanics
  • Brilliant Water
  • Get dressed
  • chemicals
  • Graphics
  • millers
  • traveler
  • loggers


Source: Clarin


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