Martín Guzmán warns the market: “We will do everything possible to ensure that pesos bonds are safe instruments”

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Martín Guzmán signals to the market:

Martin Guzman and Miguel Pesce with Daniel Scioli

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The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA)) met on Monday morning and defined a series of measures related to imports, after the contestation of the vice president Cristina Kirchner during an act.

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The Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, confirmed in statements to Radio Con Vos, that among the measures agreed by the BCRA “the rules for immediate access to foreign currency for SMEs, companies that last year had imported up to to a million dollars “.

“The logic is to define a prioritization of the use of foreign currency, which allows us to strengthen the ability to accumulate reserves “, remarked the minister, adding:” The Central Bank has given messages to this effect in recent days. We will do what needs to be done to ensure that public pesos bonds are safe instruments “.

Consulted by the “import festival” that the vice president questioned during an event organized by the CTA, Guzmán said that “what happened earlier in the year is that energy imports have grown a lotthere is the problem, namely the significant volume of the increase in imports “.

“There was a growth of 205% in the cumulative of the first 5 months of the year compared to the 5 months of 2021”, said the minister, who added that “this is why the pipeline is important, for Argentina to continue to increase the energy situation. ”

Cristina Kirchner asked Daniel Scioli last Monday greater articulation with the BCRA. For now, the minister has defined that there will be a “company by company” review, an idea promoted by the head of CEPA, Hernán Letcher, one of the voices that the vice president is listening to.

News also expected in AFIP and Customstwo areas pointed out by the vice-president in her speech last Monday, as they are those that fix the reference prices and check that there is no under-invoicing of exports or over-invoicing of imports.

News in development

Source: Clarin

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