Crisis in Ecuador: Plagued by protests and Congress, Guillermo Lasso has cut fuel prices

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Crisis in Ecuador: Plagued by protests and Congress, Guillermo Lasso has cut fuel prices

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The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, gave in to pressure and lowered the price of fuel. Photo: AFP

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On Sunday evening the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, reduced the price of fuelthe main claim of the indigenous demonstrations that have been shaking the country for 15 days.

So far, the country’s political and economic crisis has left a balance of five deathsand gave rise to a parliamentary debate on the possible dismissal of Lasso.

Although in a lower percentage than that requested by thousands of citizens for the high cost of living, the president of the right succumbed to a 10 cent reduction on the dollar which leaves the price of diesel at $ 1.80 and common gasoline at $ 2.45, AFP and Sputnik agencies reported.

Protesters in Ecuador forced Lasso to change his attitude regarding fuel increases.  Photo: REUTERS

Protesters in Ecuador forced Lasso to change his attitude regarding fuel increases. Photo: REUTERS

Protesters demanded that prices be lowered to $ 1.50 and $ 2.10 respectively.

Congress is also putting pressure on Guillermo Lasso

The roadblocks and the seizure of over a thousand wells in the midst of the epidemic they have the oil under control, the country’s main export. If the protests continue, the country could stop producing oil in the next 48 hours, according to the government.

Meanwhile, for the second consecutive day, el Congress discussed the possibility of impeaching Lassothat an opposition sector holds responsible for the “serious political crisis and internal turmoil” that has hit the country since 13 June, with almost daily demonstrations and blockades.

After seven hours of deliberations, the session was postponed this morning to tomorrow at 11, as 20 deputies remained waiting to speak about the total of 84 members.

Protests in Ecuador have already caused five deaths and hundreds of injured.  Photo: REUTERS

Protests in Ecuador have already caused five deaths and hundreds of injured. Photo: REUTERS

The Union for Hope caucus, linked to former socialist president Rafael Correa (2007-2017), has called for a debate against Lasso, which sees in social pressure a coup attempt.

The removal of the president requires 92 of the 137 votes possible in Congress, where the opposition has the majority, even if fragmented. At the end of the debates, the deputies will have a maximum of 72 hours to vote.

If the dismissal is approved, which seems unlikely, Vice President Alfredo Borrero will take power and presidential and legislative elections will be held for the rest of the period (until 2025).

At the forefront of the protests, in which five demonstrators died and there are hundreds of wounded between in uniform and aboriginesthere is the powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie).

The president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Iza, who has been pointed out by Lasso as guilty of the chaos.  Photo: AFP

The president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Iza, who has been pointed out by Lasso as guilty of the chaos. Photo: AFP

Lasso blames the chaos on the president of this organization, Leonidas Iza.

“There is no social fighter here, here is an anarchist (…) who wants to overthrow a government,” the president told CNN television.

Some 14,000 indigenous people protest in Ecuador ask for relief to alleviate poverty in their agricultural territories.

Although the protests were mostly peaceful, Thursdays and Fridays turned violent in Quito. Clashes between demonstrators and the public force have intensified with police repression.

In this regard, an Argentine mission of solidarity and human rights has published a report in which confirmed the “murder” of a protester last Thursdayin clashes with the security forces in front of parliament.

This is Franco Eduardo Iñigues Camacho, 36, father of two children, unemployed, according to the report of the mission, made up of Argentine leaders for human and social rights.

Other international and human rights organizations are calling for an end to violence.

Pope Francis has asked for dialogue in Ecuador

This Sunday Pope Francis called for “dialogue” and “social peace”. “I encourage all parties to abandon violence and extreme positions,” he wrote on Twitter.

In parallel, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Quito to repel indigenous protests, with white flags and in caravans.

Source: Telam

Source: Clarin

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