Misiones has agreed a diesel booster with YPF for yerba mate producers
With the diesel crisis in several provinces and the death of one of the pickets in Daireaux, Misiones has agreed with the company YPF of supply of an additional million liters of diesel per month in the province, between July and September, which will be intended for small and medium-sized producers of yerba mate.
Misiones governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad reported on Wednesday the agreement reached with the majority state oil company. “In the negotiations with YPF, we have achieved a strengthening of the supply of diesel for the producers of yerba mate by 1 million liters more per month,” he announced through his account on the social network Twitter.
“Half service stations for small and medium producers”, clarified the president of the province.
The agreement will begin on 1 July and will last 3 months.
“The provision will be made by identification through a ticket or green leaf receipt and the ID. The other half through the YPF Agro wholesale channel. It will be in effect from 01/07/22 for 3 months “, assured the governor.
The measure will reach a large part of the province “,minus the YPF stations in Posadas, Iguazú and Bernardo de IrigoyenHerrera Ahuad explained.
The announcement is part of the difficult situation that the country is experiencing due to the shortage of diesel and which affects the production sectors.
154,500 hectares of yerba are grown in Misiones, while in Corrientes there are 23,000 hectares.
This Tuesday, the nation’s minister of agriculture, livestock and fisheries, Julián Domínguez, was present at the opening of the 14th Congress of Maizar and apologized to the producers for the disturbances resulting from the lack of diesel and fertilizers. .
The diesel shortage map shows 16 complicated districts, where there is a very low fuel supply and delays of up to 12 hours to load: Buenos Aires, CABA, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Misiones, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Tucumán, Salta , Jujuy, Chaco, Formosa, San Juan, Mendoza, La Rioja and La Pampa.

Situation of diesel supply province by province.
Tucumán: they relaxed the protest for the production of sugar
Less than a week ago, and in the midst of cuts across the country, the Tucumán Freight Carrier Association (ATCT) made the protest more flexible so that the mills can resume sugar harvesting. It was after a meeting with the governor of Tucumano, Osvaldo Jaldo.
It is that the measure of force that began on Tuesday last week has caused the interruption of the sugar harvest in Tucumán and in other productive sectors of the province.
Through a statement, the Sugar Center had stated that “despite the measures taken by the industry to address the harvest with the necessary provisions in terms of energy supply and inputs, Tucumán had to stop the harvest due to the carrier strike affecting the province. .
“As a government we were predisposed and we wanted this not to happen, which is why, together with the representatives of industrialists, sugar cane growers and lemon growers, we had a meeting with the head of ATCT, Eduardo Reinoso,” said Jaldo in a press conference.
Source: Clarin