Home Business PreViaje3 is coming: it will be only for the low season

PreViaje3 is coming: it will be only for the low season

PreViaje3 is coming: it will be only for the low season

PreViaje3 is coming: it will be only for the low season

The PreViaje3 plan will apply to the low season in various tourist points of the country.

In the first days of this month, the Government plans to announce the launch of Pre-Trip 3, the program implemented by the Ministry of Tourism to promotes a 50% return on tourism spending and becomes a credit to be reused in the services of the sector. In this new phase, suppliers have to register again, even if they have already participated in previous editions. According to official data, only the first day, more than 5,500 tourism service providers.

Unlike previous versions, in this new edition of the Pre-Trip, the credits that users generate in the third phase of the program They can only be used in the low season. In other words, people will be able to pre-purchase their tourist consumption in July and a few days in August. travel in September, October and November.

It is not yet defined, for a budgetary question, whether more days will be included in December, they specified in the responsible ministry of Matías Lammens.

The mechanism will be as in previous editions, i.e. with a 50% return on spending e with a limit of $ 100 thousand. In other words, purchases can be made up to $ 200,000. It will also be used via a pre-loaded Banco Nacion card. In the case of the Pami subsidiaries, the refund of the amount spent is equal to 70%.

The Pre-trip 3 program cannot be used during the winter holidays, as he will rule between the winter break and the summer holidays: the two highest seasons. On the other hand, during this winter There are still over 300,000 people who will be using Pre-Trip 2 which has been used to travel throughout the year. (i.e. the summer season 2022, Easter and the winter season that begins in the next few days) Pre-Trip 3, on the other hand, tries to favor the low season, during the second half of the year.

Sources from the Ministry of Tourism underlined that “Previaje 3 seeks to extend the activity of suppliers, for what it generates in terms of work and reactivation of regional economies”. On the other hand, the high degree of membership reveals that suppliers are looking to reap the benefits of the program following the downturn in business during the pandemic. According to Tourism, five million people have used the vacation system so far and it has earned the industry $ 165 billion.

Of what the upcoming winter tourist season looks like, Lammens estimated the arrival in the country a few days ago of “one million foreign tourists”, who will once again break records and generate significant currency revenues, as happened in the first months of the year when 1.2 million foreign tourists arrived. tourists from other countries. latitudes, “with an economic impact of 1.1 billion dollars”, she specified.

According to information managed by Turismo, the levels of employment in the main tourist circuits of the country are very high, in particular the South, the North and the province of Mendoza among the most requested.

The millions of foreign tourists expected during the season are very attracted to Brazilian visitors. It also helped a lot, according to the tourism portfolio, direct flights which placed Aerolineas Argentinas between the cities of San Pablo (SP) and Bariloche, Ushuaia, San Martin de los Andes and Salta.

Source: Clarin


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